Social innovation

Social innovation refers to new strategies, concepts, ideas and organizations that meet social needs of all kinds - from working conditions and education to community development and health - and that extend and strengthen civil society.

The term has overlapping meanings. It can be used to refer to social processes of innovation, such as open source methods and techniques. Alternatively it refers to innovations which have a social purpose - like microcredit or distance learning. The concept can also be related to social entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship is not necessarily innovative, but it can be a means of innovation) and it also overlaps with innovation in public policy and governance. Social innovation can take place within government, within the for-profit sector, or within the nonprofit sector (also known as the third sector), or in the space between them. Research has focused on the types of platforms needed to facilitate such cross-sector collaborative social innovation.[1] Social innovation is gaining visibility within academia.[2]

Prominent innovators associated with the term include Bangladeshi Mohammed Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank which pioneered the concept of microcredit for supporting innovators in multiple developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and Stephen Goldsmith, former Indianapolis mayor who engaged the private sector in providing many city services.[3][4]



Social innovation was discussed in the writings of figures such as Peter Drucker and Michael Young (founder of the Open University and dozens of other organizations) in the 1960s.[5] It also appeared in the work of French writers in the 1970s, such as Pierre Rosanvallon, Jacques Fournier, and Jacques Attali.[6] However, the themes and also concepts in social innovation existed long before. Benjamin Franklin, for example, talked about small modifications within the social organisation of communities[7] that could help to solve everyday problems. Many radical 19th century reformers like Robert Owen, founder of the cooperative movement, promoted innovation in the social field and all of the great sociologists including Karl Marx, Max Weber and Émile Durkheim focused attention on broader processes of social change. More detailed theories of social innovation became prominent in the 20th century. Joseph Schumpeter, for example, addressed the process of innovation directly with his theory of creative destruction and his definition of entrepreneurs as people who combined existing elements in new ways to create a new product or service. Beginning in the 1980s, writers on technological change increasingly addressed how social factors affect technology diffusion.[8]

Developments since 2000

Academic research, blogs and websites feature social innovation, along with organizations working on the boundaries of research and practical action. Topics include:

Institutional support

The US created an Office for Social Innovation in the White House, which is funding projects that combine public and private resources.[3] Foundations support social innovation.[19] The European Union’s innovation strategy[20] was the first well-funded research and development strategy to emphasise social innovation.[21] Public policy makers support social innovation in these different sectors, notably in the UK, Australia, China and Denmark.[22] In 2010, the US government listed 11 investments made by its 'Social Innovation Fund', with public funding more than matched by philanthropic organizations. The fund focuses on partnerships with charities, social enterprises, and business.[3]

Local and Regional development

Literature on social innovation in relation to territorial/regional development covers innovation in the social economy, i.e. strategies for satisfaction of human needs; and innovation in the sense of transforming and/or sustaining social relations, especially governance relations at the regional and local level. Beginning in the late 1980s, Jean-Louis Laville and Frank Moulaert researched social innovation.[23][24] In Canada CRISES[25] initiated this type of research. Another, larger project was SINGOCOM[26] a European Commission Framework 5 project, which pioneered so-called "Alternative Models for Local Innovation" (ALMOLIN). These models were further elaborated through community actions covered by KATARSIS[27] and SOCIAL POLIS.[28] More recent works focus on the societal role of the economic life in terms of innovations in social practices and social relations at the local and regional levels. Social Innovation, therefore, is increasingly seen as a process and a strategy to foster human development through solidarity, cooperation, and cultural diversity.[29] [30]

Some noted scholars

See also


  1. ^ Nambisan, S. "Platforms for Collaboration", Stanford Social Innovation Review, Summer 2009.
  2. ^ Howaldt, J./ Schwarz, M. "Social Innovation: Concepts, research fields and international trends", IMO international monitoring, 2010.
  3. ^ a b c "Let's hear those ideas". The Economist. August 12, 2010. Retrieved December, 2010. 
  4. ^ Goldsmith, Stephen (March, 2010). The Power of Social Innovation: How Civic Entrepreneurs Ignite Community Networks for Good. Jossey-Bass. 
  5. ^ see for example Gavron, Dench e ds Young at 80, Carcanet Press, London, 1995 for a comprehensive overview of one of the world's most successful social innovators
  6. ^ Chambon, J.-L, David, A. and Devevey, J.-M (1982), Les Innovations Sociales, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris
  7. ^ Mumford, M.D. (2002) Social Innovation: Ten Cases from Benjamin Franklin, Creativity Research Journal, 14(2), 253-266
  8. ^ notably in the writings of Christopher Freeman, Carlotta Perez, Ian Miles and others
  9. ^ Innovation in the Public Sector an overview of thinking about innovation in the public sector, published by the UK government's Strategy Unit in 2003
  10. ^ Ready or Not? published by The Young Foundation in 2007 about the need for public sector organisations to innovate
  11. ^ Nichols; Social Entrepreneurship, Oxford University Press 2007
  12. ^ design companies article by Forbes magazine about how companies are innovating in the way they offer services
  13. ^ Innovation in open source article by harvard business school about innovation in open source
  14. ^ Westley,Zimmerman and Patton; Getting to Maybe;Toronto, Random House 2006
  15. ^ Nambisan, S. "Transforming Government through Collaborative Innovation", IBM Center for the Business of Government, April 2008
  16. ^ James A. Phills Jr., Kriss Deiglmeier, & Dale T. Miller "Rediscovering Social Innovation", Stanford Social Innovation Review Fall 2008.
  17. ^ various studies by Greg Dees and others and the study published by NESTA In and out of sync: growing social innovations, London 2007
  18. ^ Transfomers published by NESTA, London, 2008
  19. ^ Kohli, J. and Geoff Mulgan (2007) Capital Ideas. How to Generate Innovation in the Public Sector. The Young Foundation and Center for American Progress
  20. ^
  21. ^ Murray, R., Caulier- Grice and Geoff Mulgan (2010) The Open Book of Social Innovation. The Young Foundation and NESTA
  22. ^ Mulgan, Ali, Tucker; Social innovation: what it is, why it matters, how it can be accelerated, published by Said Business School, Oxford, 2007
  23. ^ Laville, J.-L. (Ed.) (1994) L’économie solidaire, une perspective internationale, Desclée de Brouwer, Paris
  24. ^ Moulaert, F. and Sekia, F. (2003) Territorial Innovation Models: a Critical Survey, Regional Studies, 37(3), 289-302
  25. ^ CRISES
  26. ^ Social Innovation, Governance, and Community Building (2002–2004)
  27. ^
  28. ^
  29. ^ MacCallum, D., Moulaert, F., Hillier, J. and S. Vicari (Eds) (2009) Social Innovation and Territorial Development. Ashgate, Aldershot. ISBN 978-0754672333
  30. ^ Is Social Innovation the Future of Economy?, ParisTech Review, Dec. 2011