Siopawman (literally, "Small Bun Man") is the comical or funny Filipino superhero and first comic strip created by Filipino cartoonist Lauro "Larry" Zarate Alcala after World War II . Siopawman first appeared in Halaklak Komiks (Halakhak means laughter in Tagalog) in 1947.[1] Siopawman was described as a “Superman-parody”. After Halakhak, Siopawman became a feature series in the pages of Daily Express from 1972 to 1983. Siopawman reappeared in the Dail Express in 2002. Siopawman was described by Karl Gillespie as an “ugly”, big-nosed, fat-bodied, and bald-headed superhero. His costume had an “S” mark on the chest. The super-abilities of Siopawman included being bulletproof and “immune from normal humans”. Siopawman has a sidekick named Okboy who often called with the short version of his name, “Siops”. Although Siopawman’s real identity is unknown, his enemies include Jelloman, Man-Hid, She-Mangot, She-Pilyo, She-Bat, She-Pon, She-Feet, and Chopperman.[2] Siopawman is regarded as the first humorouos superhero in the Philippines, but not as the "first true Filipino superhero".