
Genre Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction
TV anime
Directed by Tetsuo Imazawa
Studio Toei Animation
Network TV Asahi
English network Fox Kids
Fox Kids, Jetix, ABC Family
Original run February 5, 2000September 23, 2000
Episodes 32
Anime and Manga Portal

Shinzo, known as Mushrambo (マシュランボー Mashuranbō?) in Japan, is an anime based on an event where creatures known as Enterrans take over Earth and rename it in their own image: Enterra. Now three HyperEnterrans have to protect the last human in order to restore the human race. The anime focuses primarily on the adventures they undergo while working to accomplish this task.



An undetermined time ago, the Guardian of the Milky Way, Lanancuras, started to harbor a desire for power, and eventually invaded the worlds he was assigned to protect. Being bound to the galaxy, he was able to absorb parts of a planet and add it to his strength. In his footsteps was a following from many planets, creatures that had pledged allegiance and were now named Kadrians. By the time the other Celestial Guardians confronted him, he was too strong to be defeated. The Celestial Guardians all gave up a part of their power and combined it into a single Guardian, Mushra, whose core was used to create a card to seal Lanancuras. The prison was made from parts of the planets that had suffered under his power and with the help of the card, the meteorite was able to restrain him, as planets are beings on their own and hold a significant amount of power as well.

The meteorite was sent off into the galaxy to be sealed forever. Meanwhile, the way Lanancuras had increased his strength had consequences on the planets of the Milky Way. On Earth, it was in the shape of a virus that merged with human DNA and destroyed the humans that way. In order to eliminate the virus, scientists worked on combining human DNA with the DNA of animals and other creatures immune to the effects. They succeeded and created a sentient race known as Enterrans, Engineered Earthlings. Eventually, a cure was found, and the human race survived. This all took place around the 22nd century.

The Kadrians meanwhile worked on getting their master free, and they found the perfect place. The Guardians noticed too late that the meteorite was being redirected and heading towards Earth. The Guardians held a vow that they would not interfere with the way the planets reacted as this was up to the inhabitants and nature, so he was out of their influence. At impact, the seal holding Lanancuras in ripped due to the impact, leaving only the planetary pieces to hold the Kadrian king in.

At impact, Lanancuras sent out three special gems that he had corrupted from the meteorite and placed them into the strongest Enterran he could find: Mushrambo. However, he also felt the Guardians influence and how they secured the energy they had given to Mushra, away from the meteorite. Lanancuras guessed that they would at some time grant this power to someone to counter him, and it could not be an Enterran since in a way, the Enterrans were a product of him becoming evil, and easily to be influenced because they were card-based creatures. It had to be a human. He chose six more generals to lead the Enterrans into a war against the humans, making them believe humans enslaved them.

Mushrambo led the war, and was like all the others completely oblivious to the reason he felt such a hatred. All they knew was that they wanted the humans destroyed, and only Rusephine and Mushrambo knew that the meteorite had something to do with the whole thing.

At one point, the Guardians elected a keeper of their power. The baby girl Yakumo Tatsuro was chosen, daughter of Daigo Tatsuro who had helped develop the Enterrans and the cure. Daigo knew they were losing the war, and under the inspiration of the Celestial Guardians he built a place where he could make Yakumo survive, knowing she was special. The Guardians sent Hakuba, a Celestial Equine who would transform into the Reversian Blade upon death. The most powerful weapon in the universe was shaped like a robot to transport Yakumo and was always aware of his task.

Around the age of 4, Daigo had finished building an underground for Yakumo to survive in, which would allow her to live for 30 years and only grow a single year in physical shape (50 in the dubbed version). Just at the moment this happened, Mushrambo destroyed the last sanctuary of the humans, the place called Shinzo. Then he went after Yakumo, and killed Daigo in the process. However, the machines keeping Yakumo alive activated and awoke her powers. Yakumo froze the energy of Mushrambo and ripped him apart with her own aura. Mushrambo died, and his EnCard was divided into three gems. The Guardians guided these gems away for a later purpose (Mushra, Saago and Kutal were later sent to the past, but unable to make a difference).

The machine malfunctioned, though this was in fact the Guardians doing. Yakumo slept for 300 years (500 in the dubbed version) and woke up at the age of 17 close to the time Lanancuras would break out. She was told to search for Shinzo, the last sanctuary of the human race and bring peace to the Enterrans. In fact, this journey was to help her become aware of her powers.

A while before that, the three gems had been given to three Enterrans. One of them was Mushra, who had been given a new body on Enterra by the Guardians, since they were both card based beings. Mushra received the Crown of Koira, a powerful artifact that had been given to him before to seal Lanancuras, but that was then used by Lanancuras to control Mushrambo.

He met Yakumo after being hung above a waterfall as punishment for a crime. She freed him, and he somehow felt compelled to go with her (the gem at work). Later they met Sago, who held the blue gem, and Kutal, who held the green gem.

Yakumo's powers took long to develop, as she was a peaceful person and willing to forgive. She often had a conflict with Mushra and his violent nature.

The story tells about the group traveling and the enemies they meet, and bit by bit parts of the past are revealed. At the end of the first season, the timeline was altered by the destruction of the Evil Mushrambo, leaving only Yakumo and the three gems. The battle resulted in the timeline being altered. As a result, the human race didn't die out and the war between humans and Enterrans never happened.

This also meant that in the second timeline Lanancuras never used up a lot of energy to control the war, and while he was completely dormant in the first timeline, he was about to break free in the second.


Main cast

Voiced by: Yūko Minaguchi (Japanese), Peggy O'Neal (English)
Human with celestial powers and leading female, a result of absorbing one of the four gems from the meteor that held Lanacuras. Chi elemental. She hates violence and follows the path of peace, until she eventually learns violence is required to achieve that peace. Represents the K'i-Lin and the Core. She's in love with Mushrambo but Mushra attempts to show his love several times for her and she responds kindly in turn but it is unconfirmed as to whether she loves him as well. Yakumo is extremely powerful, able to match any of Lanancuras' minions. She is also considered to be the biggest threat to Lanancuras. Yakumo is exceedingly stubborn and even after Mushra, Kutal, and Saago discover their origins as the evil Mushrambo, she doesn't give up faith in them. In one episode, it is shown that Yakumo can play the piano when it came to finding out King Nipper's connections with her father. Her powers activate during their encounter with Rusephine, and she very rapidly gains mastery over them. Immediately after she discovers them, Rusephine fires several energy bolts at her which she blocks, though her shields rapidly drain her strength. Her powers also appear in the first timeline to be more telekinetic as she uses them to hurl a massive rock at Satan Mushrambo. In spite of her kind nature, after believing her three friends in the form of Mushrambo to be dead, she informs Satan Mushrambo, "All my life, I have tried not to be a vengeful person. But that is over! I can not forgive you!" As the series progresses she becomes more and more powerful, to the point where she can easily eliminate many enemies which Sago, Mushra, and Kutal struggle with even in their hyper-forms. In the second timeline, as they near the meteor where Lanancuris is imprisoned, her powers begin to dwindle due to her constant use, since she uses them to maintain the seal even while asleep. In spite of every one else telling her to stop and to rest, she insists on using her power to weaken Lanancuras as much as she possibly can, and even though they try to distance her from the fight she continues to send her power. After a tear-filled conversation with Binka, she dies at sunset which all of the characters immediately sense. Yakumo's power is so great that even after her death, she uses her power to revive Mushrambo's EnCard so that he can fight against Lanancuras, in spite of it being burned and scattered. Her spirit joins Mushra as he carries Lanancuras into the flare from the sun, presumably to comfort him in his final moments (though he's shown later alive). Her spirit informs Mushra that she has finally reached Shinzo. Yakumo's gentle nature and kind heart have the ability to change those that are around her long enough for the better and she's always trying to protect those she loves. Yakumo seems to be at least semi-capable with a sword, able to dual with Black Mushrambo and even outmatch him momentarily. Yakumo deeply impacts the lives of Mushra, Saago, Kutal, and Binka, and they are nearly overwhelmed by her death, however, she also gives them the hope to continue on and live for the future.
Voiced by: Minami Takayama (Japanese), Tom Gibis (English)
An Ex-Celestial Guardian and main character, a humanoid with fire-based powers. He can transforms into Hyper Mushra (フェニックスマシュラ Fenikkusu Mashura?, Phoenix Mushra) (by the command "Hyper Flame!"), a phoenix-knight warrior, he eventually received a boost by King Nipper, giving him wings. Originally a Celestial Guardian, he became an Enterran so he can try to stop Lanancuras, without memory of his previous life. He eventually resumed original form at the end of the series into Celestial Mushra (ゴッドマシュラ?, God Mushra) (by the command "Astro Power!"). He is also in love with Yakumo. Among his attacks are: Hyper Burn, Inferno Blast, Flame Vortex, Heat Blast, Ultra Hyper Flame, Ultra Hyper Vortex Storm, Hyper Vortex of Fire, Hyper Fire Storm, Solar Blast, Fire of the Phoenix, Solar Missiles of Flames, Hyper Flame of Enterra, Fire Nova, Flaming Cross of the Phoenix, and Flames of the Phoenix.
Voiced by: Minami Takayama (Japanese), Dan Lorge (English) (normal form), Steven Blum (Gold)
By absorbing Hyper Sago and Hyper Kutal's EnCards, Hyper Musha becomes the reborn Ultimate Warrior of Enterra (in his deput episode, the command for the transformation was "Hyper Flame Mushrambo!"). Ryuma tried to control Mushrambo with the Black Card, becoming Black Mushrambo (漆黒の破壊神ブラックマシュランボー?), only to be killed by the corrupted warrior who, as it turned out, Ryuma was not able to control. When Yakumo attempted to save him, she was told by Ryuma's minion who made the card that she would have to use Ryuma's sword to cut the card out of Mushrambo. When Black Mushrambo attempts to kill her, Yakumo uses her love and pure heart to purify him and destroys the black card. This may have been the first time she used her power, but it is debatable whether it was her celestial power or her gentle nature that saved him. Mushrambo later becomes Gold Mushrambo (黄金の守護神ゴールドマシュランボー Ongon Shugojin Gorudo Mashrambo?, Golden Guard Gold Mushrambo) during his final battle with Dark King Mushrambo. This power-boost was revoked by the Reversian Blade during the battle with Lanancuras. He has a Rhombic Aura that can protect him from most attacks, and one of his attacks, which he refers to as a "Lavender Ball" can neutralize the central nervous system of any weaker opponent.
Voiced by: Yasuhiko Kawazu (Japanese), Steven Blum (English)
Water elemental, humanoid. Represents the Dragon and the East. Hyper Sago (transforms by the command "Hydro Power!") is something described as a water devil, he gained bat-like wings from the boost he received from King Nipper. He can create Aqua Dragons out of water as one of this attacks. Also is the only one who can use his element outside of his Hyper Form. Among his attacks are: Tidal Wave, Hydro Blast, Aqua Dragon, Hydro Tornado, Hydro Twister, Aqua Vortex, Mist Grenade, and Aqua Tornado.
Voiced by: Naoki Tatsuta (Japanese), Bob Papenbrook (English)
Earth elemental, felinoid. Represents the Tiger and the West. Hyper Kutal (transforms by the command "Eye of the Lion!") is a lion with stripes with seismic-themed attacks. He later received a power boost from King Nipper, giving him fairy-like wings. Among his attacks are: Enterra Quake, Earth Crusher, Enterra Shockwave, Seismic Strike, and Enterra Crusher, however all of them seem to be the same attack making a giant rift in the ground with energy tearing through it. His attacks have the least variation of all three of the main characters.
Voiced by: Tsutomu Kashiwakura (Japanese), Tom Fahn (English)
Celestial Equine that like Mushra came to Earth. Taking on a robotic-form, Hakuba served to protect Yakumo and serve as her mode of transportation. Represents the Turtle and the North. During the battle with Lanancuras, he absorbed the EnCards of the six Enterran generals and reassumed his true form, the Reversian Blade. The Reversian Blade later broke during battle when Lancuras' power was increased after absorbing Yakumo's lifeless body. Hakuba is a loyal and gentle guardian for Yakumo and helps her adapt to her greatly changed world.
Rei Voiced by: Fushigi Yamada (Japanese), Dorothy Elias-Fahn (English)
Sen Voiced by: Chie Sawaguchi (Japanese), Brianne Siddall (English)
Este Voiced by: Ai Maeda (Japanese), Sandy Fox (English)
Kutal's nephews and niece. Out of all three of the kittens, Este is the most out spoken. Rei and Sen are often difficult to distinguish from each other.
Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa (Japanese), Philece Sampler (English)
A young girl introduced in the second timeline, sent out by Yakumo (who helped her after her parents were killed) to find the chosen ones. She is armed with a bazooka and several other weapons. Personality-wise she is the opposite of Yakumo, spunky, tomboyish, and short-tempered unlike the demure and gentle Yakumo, whom she loves like a mother nevertheless. Finding Mushra and the others, she keeps them on track on their journey though she is constantly bemused by their lack of resolve. She rides in a turtle-like robot which seems to have a mind of its own, but it is unknown whether the turtle is human-made or something akin to Hakuba. Binka has no powers of her own yet still fights with all her might. She and Hakuba are the only ones with Yakumo when she dies and she seems to be the most deeply affected. In spite of her bravery, Binka can be very insecure and has terrible nightmares on a regular basis. She remains loyal to Yakumo no matter what and often takes it upon herself to take care of Yakumo as she starts to lose strength.


Voiced by: Derek Stephen Prince
Nipper is a robot who was once Dr. Tatsuro's robotic partner, he became the ruler of Mechano City. However, he reluctantly became a whipping boy for Rusephine's soldiers, making him hated by his people. But by the time Yakumo arrived, Nipper revealed his true nature and sacrificed himself to give time for Yakumo's three bodyguards to undergo the power boost he planned for them. Dies after telling the heroes about the Seven Enterran Generals.
Voiced by: Brad MacDonald
Bolt is the leader of a Robotic Rebellion against King Nipper until learning the truth about him.
Voiced by: Wendee Lee
Female robot friend of Bolt's in the Rebellion.
Celestial Guardian #1 Voiced by: Paul St. Peter
Celestial Guardian #2 Voiced by: Bob Papenbrook
Celestial Guardian #3 Voiced by: Jamieson Price
The Celestial Guardians are beings that are responsible for creating Mushra and sealing Lanancuras into a meteor.


Voiced by: Takeshi Aono (Japanese), Tom Wyner (English)
The main villain of the series who surfaced in the 2nd timeline, though he was an influence in the first. An Ex-Celestial Guardian, he became a god of sorts to the Kadrians as they intended to revive him. Attacks included: Fusion Ball, Celestial Powers of Darkness and Globe of Destruction. He was finally defeated for good when Mushra resumed his Celestial form.

Seven Enterran Generals

The seven most powerful Enterrans who led the Enterrans to destroy the human race. Yakumo and company only encountered the first four in the first timeline. In the second timeline, the Encards of the six other generals remained in Hakuba and enable him to use their power to transform.

Voiced by: Minami Takayama (Japanese), Dan Lorge (English)
The original Mushrambo was an Enterran with celestial powers, a result of absorbing three of the four gems from the meteor that held Lanacuras. He fell under influence of Lanancuras' evil and led the Eterran Generals in wiping out the humans. Eventually killed by Yakumo's aura, his three gems scattered and entered the three Enterrans that would be able to combine into the current Mushrambo. He was later brought to the present by Rusephine to help her fight the Golden Mushrambo. However, Mushrambo kills her and absorbed the powers of the other Generals to assume a dark angel form, commonly known as Dark King Mushrambo (悪魔王サタンマシュランボー Akumaō Satan Mashuranbō?, Devil King Satan Mushrambo), who attacked with an "Energy Ray" and "Blue Flames of Torture". Satan Mushrambo also uses Rusephine's power to fight Golden Mushrambo, easily defeating his counterpart with time manipulation. After a lengthy and horrific battle, the Dark King was finally killed by Hyper Mushra, Sago and Kutal. But as Mushrambo was summoned prior to the Enterrans' war with humans, it caused the timeline to change.
Voiced by: Kenji Utsumi (Japanese), Paul St. Peter (English)
King of the Insect Enterrans and a Hercules Beetle-knight, able to assume a samurai-like Hyper form. Killed by Hyper Mushra, Sago, and Kutal after absorbing Katai's EnCard.
Voiced by: Mami Koyama
Lord of the Reptile Enterrans and one of a few Enterrans who look like humans, albeit with inhuman eyes and an impossibly large mouth. When he assumes Hyper Form (by the command "Hyper Serpent Warrior!"), his rapier morphs into a two-edged sword. Devised a cunning scheme to bring the warrior Mushrambo to his bidding by forcing Mushra, Kutal, and Sago to become Mushrambo and use a mind controlling Black Card which one of his minions crafted to do so. Ryuma lured the three into a battle with his subordinate Grandora, succeeding in taking control of Mushrambo. He when kidnaps Yakumo, deciding to marry her to prove his superiority. He has been shown to conjure snakes out of thin air and convert them into something as seen when he turns a bunch of them into a wedding dress for Yakumo. However, it causes Black Mushrambo to turn on Ryuma as he absorbs Grandora's EnCard to become (by the command "Grand Ryuma Arise!") Grand Ryuma, a giant dragonoid with a broadsword. In this state, he attempted to freeze Black Mushrambo in liquid poison, yet was killed when Mushrambo released a dark energy burst as the two locked swords. Even though Ryuma shows a narcissistic, sadistic, and psychopathic personality, he does show concern for Ungra when she is mortally injured defending him. Though Ryuma dies, his rapier remained as Yakumo uses it to remove the Black Card from Mushrambo.
Voiced by: Keiko Han (Japanese), Melodee Spevack (English) (18), Wendee Lee (19-20)
Queen of the Bird Enterrans with power over time/space, able to assume her Harpy-like hyper form at the command "Hyper Talons!". Attacking Mechano City in retaliation for Caris's death, Rusephine uses her powers to teleport Mushra, Kutal, and Sago back in time. Then, after her servants bring her the cards of Franken, Diehanger, and Kimylas, Rusephine goes after Yakumo to obtain the cards of Daku and Ryuma as well to increase her own power. Absorbing the other general cards, Rusephine assumes General Monster (ゼネラルモンスター Zeneraru Monstā?) form with her waist and below transformed into a massive mix of all the other generals. When Golden Mushrambo challenges her, Rusephine uses her power to summon the original Mushrambo to present, only to be killed/absorbed by him.
Minor Evil Enterrans

Here is a list of bad guys that worked for three of the Six Enterran Generals:

Voiced by: Steve Kramer
Insect Bounty Hunter and Mantis-type Enterran. He was the one that captured Mushra and Yakumo and had them hanging from the remains of the Statue of Liberty. Absorbed Queen Bee-ing's card. Carded by Hyper Mushra.
Voiced by: Mari Devon
Queen of the Honey Bee-Ings and Hunting Bee-Ings. She believed that by consuming Yakumo she would obtain her beauty. Transformed by the command "Hyper Bee-Stinger!". Carded by Hyper Mushra, later absorbed by Katris.
Voiced by: Dan Lorge
Shapeshifting Insect Hyper Enterran and servant of King Daku. Posed as a human named Kiri to lure Yakumo into Daku's castle, saying it was Shinzo. As Kiri he used his sway over Yakumo to help force away Saago, Kutal, and Mushra so as to lure her in by herself. Carded by Daku who used his powers for invisibility.
Voiced by: Derek Stephen Prince
Brainwashing Insect Scientist and servant of Daku. Uses maggot type things to crawl into Mushra and Co.'s brains to devour them and make them mindless slaves. His plan backfires and he's left covered by his own maggots.
Voiced by: Beau Billingslea
An unnamed crocodile-type Enterran who alongside other Crocodile Enterrans ambushed Mushra and Yakumo. After the other crocodile's were defeated, the Lead Crocodile Leader hyper-formed and fought Mushra. Carded by Hyper Mushra.
Voiced by: Lex Lang
The King of Lizards. Servant of Gyasa who plotted to destroy Mushra. He is able to turn his right hand into a sword, move through solid wall and shot metal darts from his mouth. Could also attack with a "Tongue Whip". Killed by Gyasa after Hyper Mushra broke his hand/sword with Gyasa saying "Without your blade, you're nothing".
Voiced by: Ryūsei Nakao (Japanese), Derek Stephen Prince (English)
The King of Snakes. A Gorgon-like Enterran who can turn anyone to stone with the venom of his snake-like blonde dreadlocks. Whenever he survives a near-death experience in battle, Gyasa sheds his skin to increase his power. Attacks include: Gyasa Blade, Venom Blast, and Thunder Venom. Becomes the demon-like Hyper Gyasa after summoning and absorbing numerous snake EnCards (captions said rattlesnakes, mambas, copperheads, cobras and pit vipers). Attacks as Hyper Gyasa included: Hyper Viper Power, Spinning Snake Disc, Reptillian Water Blast, Hyper Venom, Hyper Gand Knife, Viper Cannon, Python Power Beam and Serpent Mind Control. Though he managed to kill Sago and Kutal, this only lead to the first formation of Mushrambo and Gyasa meets his end at Mushrambo's hands. It is implied that Gyasa has a limited number of skins to shed, as he opts to hyper-form and fight instead of letting himself become damaged again and growing stronger. In hyper-form, he's able to absorb the damage from an enemy's attacks and deflect it back at them, however Mushrambo targets his weak point, which is on his head.
Voiced by: David Lodge
A Frilled lizard-type Enterran and Bounty Hunter armed with an axe. Absorbed by a live plant and his seeds scattered.
Voiced by: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
Reptile alchemist and servant of Ryuma. She created the Black Card that was used on Mushrambo, and was against the idea of Ryuma marrying Yakumo. She was the one to release Grandora from where he was kept in stone. Dies trying to defend her master from a falling portion of the castle ceiling when Black Mushrambo attacks. Before she dies, she informs Yakumo that the only way to save Mushrambo from the Black Card is for Yakumo to take Ryuma's sword and cut it out of him.
Voiced by: Tom Wyner
A Powerful Tengu-like Enterran that works for Rusephine. Attacks as Hyper Caris included: Feather Blade, Hyper Claw, and Hyper Thorn. He absorbed an Egg EnCard that mutated him into the deformed Ultra Hyper Caris (whose attacks included Ultra Hyper Claw and Ultra Hyper Thorn), but he was carded by Hyper Mushra in his own newly gained "Ultra Hyper Form".


An alien race whose homeworld was crashed through by the Meteor that Lanancuras was entombed in, trapping their lifeforce within it. Kadrians are different from Enterrans in different ways: they were not made by humans, they come from another world, and they are shapeshifters. Their purpose is to revive Lanancuras from his tomb and prevent the revival of Mushrambo.

Voiced by: Hisao Egawa (Japanese), Steven Blum (English)
The prideful and sadistic commander of the Kadrian army, his body is made of quicksilver metal that allows him to alter his form. Eilis is also capable of covering large areas in quicksilver and altering any area of it as he desired. He is even seen altering an entire waterfall and lake. He created a Metalasaur during the fight with him. Could attack with a powerful "Solar Inferno". Eilis very nearly killed Mushra during their initial encounter, and chased the main characters until he was able to corner them. He easily carded Saago and Kutal, and impaled Hyper Mushra with his own spear. However, while taunting the injured Mushra and threatening to kill Binka, he gave Hyper Mushra the will and reason to transform and become Mushrambo for the first time in the second timeline. In spite of his incredible power he was easily killed by Mushrambo, who mocked him before finishing him off.
Voiced by: Mami Kingetsu
Second-in-command of the Kadrians, her servants were myth-based. She creates "Hyper-Forming" seals to give her monsters an advantage over normal Enterrans, which can even prevent the formation of Mushrambo. She is capable of creating dimension-altering "mazes" to trap the main characters. She also manages to trap them in an area the size of a card on the outside, but building-sized on the inside. One of her monsters very nearly killed the main characters but Yakumo suddenly appeared, taking her by surprise, and she was killed by Yakumo's aura. Lunaria was far more cunning and intelligent than her commander and recognized Mushrambo and Yakumo to be viable threats to their plans. She came very close to killing Yakumo with an energy attack that targeted her directly in the ruins of Shinzo where she was using her power to boost the seal on Lanancuras. In spite of her destruction at Yakumo's hands, she was very possibly the reason why Lanancuris was eventually able to escape, since her attack and her forcing Yakumo to a large quantity of power in a very brief period of time to save the others drastically weakened Yakumo and most likely helped lead to her death.
Voiced by: Lex Lang
A Centipede/Lobster Kadrian and first opponent in the second timeline. Carded by Hyper Mushra.

Other characters

Voiced by: Michael Sorich
Small horse-type Enterran. Duped Mushra and Co. into believing that he was a wizard of Shinzo.
Voiced by: Bob Papenbrook
A Water Buffalo-type Enterran. Encountered on the plane to Mechano City. Competed in King Nipper's tournament only for his prize to resort in him being carded by Caris.


  1. Awakening (轟爆戦士いきなり怒変身?, The Explosive Roaring Soldier's Sudden Raging Transformation) - 27th century. A human child awakens, with the mission to find the other humans, and bring peace between them and the mutant Enterrans rulling earth now. Yakumo and Mushra meet for the first time.
  2. Bee-ware of the Hunters (100億力だ!!スッゲェぞ怒鉄拳!!?) - Yakumo and her new friends land in a nest of Enterran bees.
  3. Web of Evil (怒倒!!極悪クモ兄弟・金と銀?, Raging Falling!! The Atrocious spider siblings: Gold and Silver) - A bunch of Enterrans spiders kidnaps Yakumo in believing a legend that eating a human will make the eater immortal.
  4. Day at the Park (マシュラ、遊園地で大暴れ!? Mushra, Yūenchi de Ō Abare?) - Yakumo, Sago and Kutal are invited to join a festival, while Mushra still roams about. When he gets the chance to do a little revenge for being send away, he takes it.
  5. Kiri (強すぎる!昆虫王ドッカク!!?, He is Strong! Insect King Daku) - Mushra finds a human child, who claims to have escaped from a prison for humans.
  6. Battling Daku (最終決戦!マシュラvs昆虫王?, Final Battle! Mushra vs. the Insect King) - In an attempt to save Yakumo and Kiri from Daku, Sago comes up with the plan to be captured themselves.
  7. Into the Jungle (新大陸突入!ジャングルにひそむ怪人?, Thrusted into a new World! The mysterious Figure hiding in the Jungle) - Kutal's niece and nephews show up and throw the gang on an unexpected adventure.
  8. Reptiles (マシュラ激闘! スクールウォーズ!! Mushra Gekitō! Sukūruu Wōzu?, Mushra Clash! School Wars) - As Mushra battles Waru, another Enteran named Gyasa, the King of the Snake-Enterrans, appears with the intention of taking out the gang and kidnapping Yakumo.
  9. Gyasa (敗北!クータル、サーゴ死す!?, Defeated! Kutal and Sago Dead!) - Gyasa uses dirty tricks to take out Sago and Kutal, leaving Mushra by himself. Can he find a way to defeat Gyasa?
  10. Mushrambo, the Ultimate Samurai (無敵の超戦士マシュランボー The Invincible Super Warrior, Mushrambo?) - Mushrambo is able to defeat Gyasa in his first form, but what will happen when he transforms?
  11. Clash of the Hyper-Enterrans (脅威のチカラだ!ギャザ粉砕! Threatening Power! Gyasa's Defeat?) - Mushrambo is overpowered by the Hyper Gyasa. Can he find a way to turn the tide of the battle around?
  12. The Test (マシュラ・謎の老師に入門か!??) - Darba, the supposed wizard of Shinzo, appears with a proposition for the team, but what are his real intentions?
  13. Ryuma, Lord of the Reptiles (敵か味方か? 破壊神マシュランボー Teki ka Mikata ka? Hakaishin Mushrambo?, Friend of Foe? Mushrambo the Destroyer) - The group arrives at another forest after going through the desert, but when Grandora the 3-Headed Ice Dragon attacks the village under Ungra and Ryuma's control, it means trouble for the entire team.
  14. The Dark Spirit of Destruction (ノンストップ暴走! 黒い破壊神 Nonsutoppu Bōsō! Kuroi Hakushin?, Nonstop Maddness! Black Destroyer) - Mushrambo has been turned evil and is now Dark Mushrambo. Meanwhile, Ryuma goes ahead with his plans to marry Yakumo.
  15. Mechano City (天空のロボット王国メカノシティ?, The Robot Sky-Kingdom of Mechano City) - The group arrives in a city full of robots, but what will they do when the cops begin to pursue them?
  16. The Giant Robot (巨大ロボ発進!謎のカード工場?, Giant Robot Launch! The Mysterious Card Factory) - What will the robots do when they learn that Yakumo is a human?
  17. The Great War (弱点なし!?悪魔の発明エッグカード?, Flawless!? The Fiendish EnCard is created) - Mushra and the robots find out about Yakumo's past and the truth about the robot king, but what happens when Mushra battles Cairis to the end in a one-on-one battle?
  18. The Secrets of the Seven (7大将軍の秘密!?, Secret of the Seven Enterran Generals) - As a machine is using the egg card's power to revive Mushra, Sago, and Kutal, King Nipper sacrifices his life in an attempt to stop Caris and prevent him from killing Yakumo. In his dying breath, Nipper reveals the identities of the Seven Enterran Generals save for the seventh.
  19. The Feathered Fiend (倒せ!最強の鳥獣王ルシフェーヌ Taose! Saikyo no Torijūō Rusephine?, Defeat! The Strong Bird Queen Rusephine) - Mechano City has been destroyed by Rusephine's forces, with Mushra and company battling her forces. However, Rusephine uses her powers to send Mushra, Kutal and Sago back in time.
  20. The Two Mushrambos (大激突!マシュラVSマシュランボー?, Big Crash! Mushra vs. Mushrambo) - While Mushra and company battle the original Mushrambo to prevent the young Yakumo from being killed, Rusephine absorbs the Encards of her fellow generals to become all powerful. However, when Mushra and the others return to the present, Rusephine's gambit of summoning the original Mushrambo proves to be her undoing.
  21. The Battle of One (戦いの果てに… In the End of the Fight...?): Absorbing the EnCards of the other Enterran Generals, the original Mushrambo powers up into Dark King Mushrambo. But as the final battle between the two Mushrambos begins, the end result would alter the world's timeline.
  22. A New Beginning (オレは最強王・マシュラさまだ!?) - Mushra is trapped once again, but freed by the mysterious Binka, but when Lanancuras' servants attack them, can they survive without hyper power, or is there another way for Mushra to go hyper?
  23. Bear Claws (勇者復活のハイパーフォーム!?, Heroic Revival of the Hyper Forms) - Binka and Mushra search for Sago so Mushrambo can be reformed, but they are unaware of a pair of assassins sent to stop them in route.
  24. Nightmare Dream Center (地獄の使者その名はアイリス!! The Name of Hell's Emissary is Eilis?) - Eilis decides to target Mushra to prevent Mushrambo from ever being reborn. Can the team overcome him and keep Mushra alive?
  25. Eilis of the Storm (目覚めよ!マシュランボー Mezame yo! Mushrambo?, Awaken! Mushrambo) - It's Eilis vs. Mushrambo, but who will be the victor?
  26. Reviving Yakumo (遅すぎた再会 Sore wa 'Ososugita Saikai?, A Reunion That Came Too Late) - The group gets trapped in a never ending maze, and their only hope of escape is Yakumo. Can they succeed?
  27. Lanancuras Arises (最後の希望 Saigo no Kibou?, Final Hope) - It's Yakumo & Mushrambo vs. Lanacuras, but who has the bigger desire to win?
  28. Lanancuras Unbound (ヤクモ落日に死す?, Yakumo Dies in the Setting Sun) - Lanancuras gains his full power and continues the battle against Mushrambo. Who will end up being the victor, especially when it appears that Yakumo is killed.
  29. Mushrambo Meets His Match (果てしなき死闘?) - Mushrambo continues his battle against Lanancuras, but does he stand a chance without the help of Yakumo and Binka?
  30. Mushra's Mission (マシュラの使命?) - Lanancuras's apparent death was unexpected and he appears to be headed toward being the ruler of the world, but Mushra refuses to give up and calls on a new power source to assist him. Will it be enough to defeat Lanancuras in the end?
  31. Soul Survivor (心ある戦い Shinaru Tatakai?) - With all hope lost, Mushra vows to destroy Lanancuras once and for all, and with the guardian powers revealed he may just succeed. What will happen next?
  32. Long Live Yakumo (さらばマシュランボー Saraba, Mushrambo?, Farewell, Mushrambo) - The battle between Mushra and Lanancuras comes to its exciting conclusion, but whose lives will it cost?


Japanese cast list

English cast list


English Crew

Movie adaptions

It was recently announced that Toei Animation will be making two 90 minute movie versions of Shinzo.



External links