Shche ne vmerla Ukraina

Ще не вмерла Українa
English: Ukraine's [Glory] Has Not Yet Perished
Shche ne vmerla Ukraina

Mykhailo Verbytsky

National anthem of

Lyrics Pavlo Chubynsky, 1862
Music Mykhailo Verbytsky, 1863
Adopted 15 January 1992 (music)
6 March 2003 (lyrics)
Music sample
Shche ne vmerla Ukraina (instrumental)

"Shche ne vmerla Ukraina" (Ukrainian: Ще не вмерла Українa, or "Ukraine's [glory] has not yet perished") is the national anthem of Ukraine again since 1992 (; pre-2003 ). Before its re-adaptation a concourse for a national anthem among three patriotic songs was taken place with one of the other songs being Za Ukrainu by Mykola Voronyi.

The lyrics constitute a slightly modified original first stanza of the patriotic poem written in 1862 by Pavlo Chubynsky, a prominent ethnographer from the region of Ukraine's capital, Kiev, and were influenced by the words and themes of Poland's national anthem, Poland Is Not Yet Lost.[1] In 1863, Mykhailo Verbytsky, a western Ukrainian composer and a Greek-Catholic priest composed music to accompany Chubynsky's text.[2] The first choral performance of the piece was at the Ukraine Theatre in Lviv, in 1864.[3] The song was first the national anthem of the Ukrainian People's Republic, Carpatho-Ukraine and later the independent post-Soviet Ukraine.


Ukrainian People's Republic

In 1917, Shche ne vmerla Ukraina (Ukraine has not yet perished) became the anthem of the short-lived Ukrainian People's Republic. However, in 1920, it was banned by the incoming Soviet regime.

Pre-2003 lyrics

Ukrainian Roman transliteration English translation

Ще не вмерла Українa, ні слава, ні воля,
Ще нам, браття-українці, усміхнеться доля.
Згинуть наші вороженьки, як роса на сонці,
Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці.

Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу,
І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду!

Станем браття, в бій кривавий, від Сяну до Дону
В ріднім краю панувати не дамо нікому.
Чорне море ще всміхнеться, дід Дніпро зрадіє,
Ще на нашій Україні доленька наспіє.


А завзяття, праця щира свого ще докаже,
Ще ся волі в Україні піснь гучна розляже.
За Карпати відіб'ється, згомонить степами,
України слава стане поміж народами.


Shche ne vmerla Ukrayina, ni slava, ni volya,
Shche nam, brattia ukrayintsi, usmikhnet'sia dolia.
Z-hynut' nashi vorozhen'ky, yak rosa na sontsi,
Zapanuyem i my, brattia, u svoyiy storontsi.

Dushu y tilo my polozhym za nashu svobodu,
I pokazhem, shcho my, brattia, kozats'koho rodu!

Stanem brattia, v biy kryvavyi, vid Sianu do Donu
V ridnim kraiu panuvaty ne damo nikomu.
Chorne more shche vsmikhnetsia, did Dnipro zradiye,
Shche na nashiy Ukrayini dolen'ka naspiye.


A zavziattia pratsia shchyra svoho shche dokazhe,
Shche sia voli v Ukrayini pisn' huchna rozliazhe.
Za Karpaty vidibiet'tsia z-homonyt' stepamy,
Ukrayiny slava stane pomizh narodamy.


Ukraine has not yet perished, nor her glory, nor her freedom,
Upon us, fellow Ukrainians, fate shall smile once more.
Our enemies will vanish like dew in the sun,
And we too shall rule, brothers, in a free land of our own.

Souls and bodies we'll lay down, all for our freedom,
And we'll show that we, brothers, are of the Cossack nation!

We'll stand, brothers, in bloody battle, from the Syan to the Don,
We will not allow others to rule in our motherland.
The Black Sea will smile and grandfather Dnieper will rejoice,
For in our own Ukraine fortune shall shine again.


Our persistence and our sincere toils will be rewarded,
And freedom's song will throughout all of Ukraine resound.
Echoing off the Carpathians, and across the steppes rumbling,
Ukraine's fame and glory will be known among all nations.


The lyrics to Ukraine's national anthem are somewhat similar to the anthems of the SFR Yugoslavia/Yugoslavia, Poland, and Israel.

Latin transliteration (pre-2003)

Šče ne vmerla Ukrajini ni slava, ni voľa,
Šče nam, bratťa-ukrajinci, usmichneťśa doľa.
Zhynuť naši vorižeńky, jak rosa na sonci,
Zažyvemo i my, bratťa, u svojij storonci.

Dušu j tilo my položym za našu svobodu,
I pokažem, ščo my, bratťa, kozaćkoho rodu!

Stanem, bratťa, vsi za voľu, vid Śanu do Donu
V ridnim kraju panuvaty ne damo nikomu.
Čorne more šče vsmichneťśa, did Dnipro zradije,
Šče na našij Ukrajini doleńka dospije.


A zavźatťa praća ščyra svoho šče dokaže,
Šče śa voli v Ukrajini pisń hučna rozľaže.
Za Karpaty vidibjeťśa, zhomonyť stepamy,
Ukrajiny slava stane pomiž narodamy.


Original lyrics

Original version published in 1863 (note the archaic orthography)
Ukrainian English transliteration English translation

Ще не вмерла Україна,
И слава, и воля!
Ще намъ, браття-молодці,
Усміхнеться доля!
Згинуть наші вороги,
Якъ роса на сонці;
Запануємъ, браття й ми
У своїй сторонці.

Shche ne vemrla Ukrayina,
Y slava, y volia
Shche nam, brattia-molodtsi,
Usmikhnet'sia dolia!
Z-hynut' nashi vorohy,
Yak rosa na sontsi;
Zapanuiem, brattia i my
U svoyii storontsi.

Ukraine has not yet perished,
The glory and the freedom!
Still upon us brave brothers,
Fate shall smile!
Our enemies will vanish
Like dew in the sun;
We too shall rule
In our country.

Душу, тіло ми пложимъ
За свою свободу
И покажемъ, що ми браття
Козацького роду.
Гей-гей, браття миле,
Нумо братися за діло!
Гей-гей пора встати,
Пора волю добувати!

Dushu, tilo, my plozhym
Za svoiu svobodu
Y pokazhem, shcho my brattia
Kozats'koho rodu.
Hei-hei, brattia myle,
Numo bratytsia za dilo!
Hei-hei, pora vstaty,
Pora voliu dobuvaty!

Soul and body we will lay down
For our freedom
And show that we brothers
Are are of the Cossack nation,
Hey, hey dearest brothers
Onward take to battle
Hey, hey, time to rise,
Time to gain freedom!

Наливайко, Залізнякъ
И Тарас Трясило
Кличуть насъ изъ-за могилъ
На святеє діло.
Изгадаймо славну смерть
Щобъ не втратить марне намъ
Своєго юнацтва.

Nalyvaiko, Zalizniak
Y Taras Triasylo
Klychut' nas yz-za mohyl
Na sviateie dilo
Yz-hadaimo slavnu smert'
Shchob ne vtratyt' marne nam
Svoieho iunatstva.

Nalyvaiko, Zalizniak
And Taras Triasylo
Call us from beyond the grave
To the holy battle.
Recall the famous death of
Chivalarious Cossacks
Not to lose vainly
Our youth.

Душу, тіло ...

Dushu, tilo ...

Soul and body ...

Ой Богдане, Богдане
Славний нашъ гетьмане!
На-що віддавъ Україну
Москалям поганимъ?!
Щобъ вернути іі честь,
Ляжемъ головами,
Назовемся України
Вірними синами!

Oi Bohdane, Bohdane
Slavnyi nash het'mane!
Na-shcho viddav Ukrainu
Moskaliam pohanym?!
Shchob vernuty ii chest'
Liazhem holovamy
Nazovemsia Ukrainy
Virnymy synamy!

Oh Bohdan, Bohdan
Our great hetman
What for did you give Ukraine
To wretched muscovites?!
To return her honor,
We lay our heads
We shall call ourselves Ukraine's
Faithful sons!

Душу, тіло ...

Dushu, tilo ...

Soul and body ...

Наші браття Славяне
Вже за зброю взялись;
Не діжде ніхто, щобъ ми
По-заду зістались.
Поєднаймось разомъ всі,
Нехай гинуть вороги,
Най воля настане!

Nashi brattia Slaviane
Vzhe za zbroiu vzialys';
Ne dizhde nikhto, shchob my
Po-zadu zistalys'.
Poiednaimos' razom vsi,
Nekhai hynut' vorohy,
Nai volia nastane!

Our Slavic brothers
Already took up arms
No one shall see
That we should stay behind.
Unite together all,
Brothers Slavs:
So that enemies perish,
And freedom comes!

Душу, тіло ...

Dushu, tilo ...

Soul and body ...

Independent Ukraine

Shche ne vmerla Ukraina was sung as the de facto national anthem at the inauguration of the first President Leonid Kravchuk on December 5, 1991.

Article 20 of the Constitution of Ukraine (June 28, 1996) designates Verbytsky's music as the theme of the national anthem:

The State Anthem of Ukraine is the national anthem set to the music of M. Verbytskyi, with words that are confirmed by the law adopted by no less than two-thirds of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Current lyrics

On March 6, 2003, the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) of Ukraine adopted the following lyrics, which slightly modified the first stanza of Chubynsky's original words. Instead of stating "Ukraine has not yet perished, neither her glory, nor her freedom", the concept of Ukraine perishing as a nation has been removed: the opening line now states "Ukraine's glory has not yet perished, nor her freedom".[4] Nevertheless, many people continue to sing the original lyrics.

Ukrainian Roman transliteration English translation

Ще не вмерла України і слава, і воля,
Ще нам, браття молодії, усміхнеться доля.
Згинуть наші воріженьки, як роса на сонці.
Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці.

Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу,
І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду!

Shche ne vmerla Ukrayiny i slava, i volya,
Shche nam, brattia molodiyi, usmikhnet'sia dolia.
Z-hynut' nashi vorizhen'ky, yak rosa na sontsi,
Zapanuyem i my, brattia, u svoyiy storontsi.

Dushu y tilo my polozhym za nashu svobodu,
I pokazhem, shcho my, brattia, kozats'koho rodu!

Ukraine and its glory has not died yet, nor her freedom,
Upon us, fellow compatriots, fate shall smile once more.
Our enemies will vanish, like dew in the morning sun,
And we too shall rule, brothers, in a free land of our own.

Souls and bodies we'll lay down, all for our freedom,
And we will show that we, brothers, are of the Cossack nation!

See also


External links