Shanghang County

Shanghang (上杭县) is a populous county of Longyan Municipality in Fujian Province.



Part of Shanghang County is accessed by National Route (国道) 319, coming west from Xinluo (新罗区), the municipal seat. The county seat, conventionally called Shanghang itself but officially Linjiang Town (临江镇), is reached by Route 205.

Red Tourism

The county's most famous cultural-historical attraction is in the town of Gutian (古田镇), namely the site of the Gutian Congress (1929 December).


As of 1998, Shanghang administers 9 towns (zhen, 镇).[1] Aside of Linjiang and Gutian, they are :


The county has 13 townships (xiang, 乡) [2] :

Two are expressly for the pre-Han natives :

Notes and references

External links