Shaliach (Chabad)

Part of a series on
Rebbes of Lubavitch
1. Shneur Zalman of Liadi
2. Dovber Schneuri
3. Menachem Mendel Schneersohn
4. Shmuel Schneersohn
5. Sholom Dovber Schneersohn
6. Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn
7. Menachem Mendel Schneerson
770 Eastern Parkway · 19 Kislev · Ohel
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Brooklyn Bridge shooting · 3 Tammuz
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Tzivos Hashem · · Kehos · Library
Gan Israel · Sheloh · Jewish Relief Agency
Children's Museum · JLI · Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch
Ohr Avner · Colel Chabad · Kol Menachem
Notable figures
Hillel Paritcher · S. Z. Fradkin · Itche Der Masmid
Yoel Kahn · L. Y. Schneerson · Nissan Neminov
Leib Groner · C. M. Schneerson · Herman Branover
Manis Friedman · Yehuda Chitrik · Yehuda Krinsky
Berel Lazar · Z. M. HaYitzchaki · C. M. A. Hodakov
Shemaryahu Gurary · Yitzchak Ginsburgh
Crown Heights · Kfar Chabad
Tanya · Shulchan Aruch HaRav
Tehillat HaShem · Maamarim
Hayom Yom · Likkutei Sichos · Igrot Kodesh
Tomchei Temimim · Morristown Rabbinical College
Oholei Torah · Hadar Hatorah ·Mayanot
Yeshivah Gedolah · Beth Rivkah · Bais Rivka
Machon Chana · Bais Chana · Ohel Chana
Yeshivah College · Ohr Avner
Mitzvah Campaigns · Chabad house
Chabad on Campus · Mitzvah tank · Tefillin
Public menorah · Noahide laws · Shliach
Chitas · Mashpia · Meiniach · Farbrengen
Nusach Ari · Choizer · Chabadnitze
Other Chabad groups
Strashelye · Kapust
Messianism · Library controversy
Moshe Schneuri · Malachim

A Chabad shliach (Hebrew: שליח‎, pl. שליחים/שלוחים, shlichim/shluchim) is a Chabad member sent out to promulgate Judaism and Chasidut around the world. Chabad shluchim as of 2010 number about 4,500 worldwide, and can be found in many of even the most remote worldly locales.



Starting in the 1950s, the Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, sent many thousands of shluchim all over the world, often to remote locations, to bring Jews closer to Judaism through his Mitzvah campaigns and to assist Jewish communities worldwide in their religious needs.


The Rebbe told Rabbi G.M. Garelick when he went out to Milano, "[Y]ou will be a Rabbi of a shul, headmaster of a school, director of a camp and a counselor for people, but none of it will truly define what you will do in Milan. It will be above and beyond all of it--you'll be a Shaliach."[1]

Kinus HaShluchim

The Kinus HaShluchim (Hebrew: כנוס השלוחים, lit. Assembly of Emissaries) is the annual gathering of Chabad Shluchim held in the fall of each year. The conference is typically held in New York City on the weekend prior to the new Hebrew month of Kislev. Over 4,000 rabbis gather each year, making the assembly the largest rabbinical conference in the world.

A similar conference is held each winter for the Shluchos (wives of the rabbis), typically proximate to the Yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson. Both Kinusim are simulcast in multiple languages and have extensive tracking, including programs for lay leaders and children.

External links


  1. ^ Shliach to South Carolina, retold on a recent Merkoz Shlichus excursion.