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Mid-Sha'ban is thereceding night is known as Laylatul Bara’ah or Laylatun Nisfe min Sha’ban in the Arab world, and as Shab-e-barat (شب برات) in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and Afghanistan.[1][2] These names are translated to the night of records, the night of assignment and the night of deliverance, and the observance involves a festive nightlong vigil with prayers.[3] In some regions, this is also a night when one's deceased ancestors are commemorated.[3]


Other names

Sunni view

Sunnis observe Mid-Sha'ban as a night of worship and salvation. Various hadiths have been transmitted in this regard, some weak and others graded hassan or sahih. Scholars including Imam Shafii, Imam Nawawi, Imam Ghazzali and Imam Suyuti have declared praying on the night of mid shaban as acceptable.

In his Majmu`, Imam Nawawi quoted Imam al-Shafi`i's Kitab al-Umm that there are 5 nights when dua (prayer) is answered, one of them being the night of the 15th of Sha`ban.[4]

The hadith by Imam Ibn Hajr Haythmi, states:Narrated by Muadh bin Jabal (RA) from Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) who said: Allah turns towards his creation in the Night of "MID-SHABAN" and He forgives all of them except for a Mushrik and one who hates other people [Az Zawaid #12860]. Classed sahih by salafi scholar Nasiruddin Albani in his silsilah Al-Sahihah.

Another hadith in Musnad Ahmed hanbal "Allah looks at His creation during the night of the 15th of Sha'ban and He forgives His servants except two- one intent on hatred (mushanin) and a murderer (qatilu nafs). Classed Hassan by Albani in his silsilah Al-Sahihah.

Hadith classed sahih by Ibn Hibban "Allah looks at His creation in the night of mid-Sha`ban and He forgives all His creation except for a mushrik (idolater) or a mushahin (one bent on hatred)." [sahih Ibn Hibban 7/470]. Also reported by Tabrani [Al muajamul Kabir 20/108-9] and Al Bayhaqi [Shubul Iman 2/288]

Some Salafi minhaj claimants, among the Sunni, oppose the recognition of Mid-Sha'ban as exceptional.[5] However, those "neo-"Salafis dont consider quotations from Imam Ibn Khuzaymah's book, Kitab At-Tawheed wa Ithbat Sifat ar-Rabb (which is used extensively by Salafis for 'Aqeedah), about Mid-Sha'ban. Imam Ibn Khuzaymah has specifically mentioned the night of Nisf-Sha'ban in his book (in the section on Nuzool, i.e. The descent of Allah) from the hadith of Abu Bakr as-Siddique. He clarified in the same book that, while it has been revealed that Allah does descend to the world every night, the exact method of the descent remains unrevealed.[6][7]

The night of the 15th starts at sunset on the 14th and ends at sunrise on the 15th.

It is reported from Sayyiduna Ali that the Islamic prophet Muhammad said: "Let all of you spend the night of mid-Sha`ban in worship (i.e. partly) and its day in fasting. Allah descends to the nearest heaven during this night, beginning with sunset, and says: Is there no one asking forgiveness that I may forgive them? Is there no one asking sustenance that I may grant them sustenance? Is there no one under trial that I may relieve them? Is there not such-and-such, is there not such-and-such, and so forth until dawn rises." [8] This hadith was classified as weak however there is general consensus that weak hadiths may be acted upon for virtuous acts (Fadaail A'mal), such as voluntary fasting and prayer, as long as the hadith is not excessively weak, returns to a general basis in the Shariah, and one is not convinced that Prophet Muhammad specifically proscribed it.

There are many other narrations from Sahaba (radhe allaho ajmaeen) and early Muslims confirming this matter, as mentioned by Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali in his Lataif al-Ma`arif, and others.

About hadith

On this night, Muslims perform Nawaafil, recite the Qur'an, Salawat, Kalima Tayyibah, and seek forgiveness.

As for the other narrations concerning the 15th of Sha'baan (which are not believed authentic), the Hanafi scholar, Shaikh Mulla 'Alee al-Qaaree (d.1014H) records some of these hadith:

In another narration, the following people have also been mentioned:

  1. One who deals in usury (Riba),
  2. One who wears his trousers below his ankle with pride and arrogance (In Arabia, people displayed their wealth and boasted in this manner),
  3. One who creates disunity among two Muslims,
  4. The person who unjustly takes away the right and property of another Muslim and has not yet rectified himself.

All these persons do not receive mercy of Allah at all time, as well as on this auspicious Night. A humble appeal to seek pardon and ask Allah’s forgiveness

Also on this night the Doors of Mercy and Forgiveness are opened wide,and those who sincerely grieve over and repent for their past sins and seek forgiveness from Allah are pardoned and forgiven by Allah.

Each Tasbih or Du’a should begin and terminate with the recital of Salawat and one who wishes for the acceptance of his Du’as should use the Wasila of Muhammad.

Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani has mentioned in his famous book ”Ghunyat li Talibee Tariqil Haqq” (i.e., The Gift for the student who seeks the path of truth) that the month of Shaban according to some narrations is related to Muhammad. So, it is the duty of Muslims, as the followers of Muhammad to love and respect this month more than any other month (besides Ramadhan). Muslims should also offer abundantly salutations upon Muhammad.


It is the special night of seeking forgiveness and repenting to God, remembering past sins and sincerely settling the mind that one will never commit sins in the future. All the deeds that are against Shari’ah must be totally avoided so that our Du’a and Istighfaar, hopefully, will be accepted.

Dr. Muhammad al-Jibaly said: The hadith indicates that this night surely has a special merit

Even when hadiths are used to justify the night, some Sunni scholars have labeled such hadiths as weak (da'if). Day of Arafa, Laylat al-Qadr and Day of Ashura on the other hand have much stronger references in Quran and/or Hadith.

Shia view

The Shia spend the entire eve of the 15th of Sha'ban in prayers and worship. This day also marks the birthday of their final Imām, Muhammad al-Mahdi. Shia's believe him to be the Mahdi, an important figure who all the Muslims believe will rid the world of tyranny and injustice.

Many scholars and general people believe that Shab-e-Barat is not what it is believed to be. This belief is based on the fact that there is no mention of such a night in the Quran.

Some quote 44.4 of the Quran to justify the Night from the Quran.

In the Indian subcontinent Muslims make sweets (especially Halwa or Zarda) to be given to the neighbors and the poor on the evening prior to the 15th of Sha'ban. This hadith is very weak and many scholars advise praying in this night for any special prayers or Dua or any belief that the dead return is false and should not be followed.


  1. ^ Dinesh Bihari Trivedi, A. H. M. Zehadul Karim, Law and order in upper India: a study of Oudh, 1856-1877, Northern Book Centre, 1990, ISBN 9788185119830, http://books.google.com/books?id=t9wLynyZJVsC, "... The first significant religious occasion shabe-barat (lailat- ul-barat or the night of deliverance) is held in the middle of Shaban (eighth month of the Islamic calendar) ..." 
  2. ^ Clare M. Wilkinson-Weber, Embroidering lives: women's work and skill in the Lucknow embroidery industry, SUNY Press, 1999, ISBN 9780791440889, http://books.google.com/books?id=j183x2zeNJwC, "... Shab-barat is observed with nightlong prayer and recitation (in the mosque for men, and at home for the women)." 
  3. ^ a b Jamal J. Elias, Islam: Religions of the world, Psychology Press, 1999, ISBN 9780415211659, http://books.google.com/books?id=mxCAhwKdgrYC, "... Laylat al-bara'a ... fortune for the coming year is popularly believed to be registered in Heaven ... prayer vigils and by feasting and illumination ... oblations are made in the name of deceased ancestors ..." 
  4. ^ Said Nursî, Şükran Vahide, Letters, 1928-1932: Volume 2 of Risale-i nur, Nur Publishers, 1994, ISBN 9789754320435, http://books.google.com/books?id=uTUTCrzHmLEC, "... on the well-known holy nights, such as the Prophet's birthday and Ragha`ib, and on the Night of Power in particular ... such supplications will be accepted ..." 
  5. ^ Muhammad Umar Memon, Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm Ibn Taymīyah, Ibn Taimīya's struggle against popular religion: with an annotated translation of his Kitāb iqtiḍāʾ aṣ-ṣirāṭ al-mustaquīm mukhālafat aṣḥāb al-jaḥīm, Mouton, 1976, ISBN 9789027975911, http://books.google.com/books?id=TTMKAQAAIAAJ, "... among the Salaf as well as those among the khalaf, however, reject any excellence for the night in question and challenge the authenticity ... Marking mid-Sha'ban by fasting is without foundation, nay marking it is disapproved of. Likewise, celebrating it by preparing ..." 
  6. ^ Shah Muhammad Badi Ul Alam, What Is Man and the Universal Religion of Man - Volume 1, Read Books, 2007, ISBN 9781406775716, http://books.google.com/books?id=YQOml3ZgqzgC, "... The process of devolution from spiritual to material world is called نزول 'Nazul' (Descent) ; and the process of evolution from material to spiritual world is called عروج 'Uruj' (Ascent) ..." 
  7. ^ Ibn Khuzaimah (223 - 311 Hijri), 30 June 2010, http://as-salaf.com/article.php?aid=84&lang=en, "... On The Attribute of Descent and Its Kayfiyyah (i.e. Reality, Howness): Ibn Khuzaymah, may Allah bestow His mercy upon him said: “The scholars of Hijaz and Iraq reported from the Prophet that the Lord descends to the sky of the dunya every night. We therefore testify and acknowledge on our tongues while our hearts are certain of the information about the descending of Allah without delving into how it happens because our Prophet did not describe to us how our Creator descends to the sky of the dunya but he only informed us that He does descend. And Allah – Most High – and His Prophet did not leave a matter that Muslims are required to know about their religion without mentioning it to them. Therefore, we narrate this information and believe in what it includes about the descending of Allah without delving into how this happens or describing this descending as the Prophet did not describe it to us.” ..." 
  8. ^ Narrated by Ibn Majah.

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