List of minor recurring characters in Star Trek: Voyager

This is a list of minor fictional characters from the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager. Characters here are members of the crew, or passengers, on the starship Voyager as it makes its way home through unknown space during the course of the series. The minor characters generally appear at most in several episodes (out of 172), sometimes in episodes that largely concern them. Of these characters, the only ones who joined the ship during its travels are the four alien children (Azan, Icheb, Mezoti, and Rebi) taken from an enemy ship, a Borg cube.

Characters are ordered alphabetically by family name, and only characters who played a significant recurring role in the series are listed.



Species Human
Home planet Earth
Affiliation Maquis
Posting Maquis Raider
USS Voyager engineering officer, operations officer, security officer, helmsman
Rank Lieutenant junior grade
Portrayed by Tarik Ergin

Ayala was played by Tarik Ergin. He appears in the background of almost every episode, more than any other "named extra". He speaks, briefly, in a handful of episodes. He is the only character other than the regulars to appear in both the pilot episode and the finale.

Ayala, the father of two, is originally a Maquis insurgent on Chakotay's ship. Ayala joins Voyager's crew as a security officer, serving under Captain Kathryn Janeway and accepting the field rank of lieutenant junior grade.

Ayala serves in main engineering and at ops when Ensign Kim is not on duty, but later transfers to security. He is often seen on the bridge as a relief tactical officer, to take over for Tuvok when he leaves the bridge. Ayala later serves as a relief helmsman when Tom Paris wasn't on duty.

In "Twisted", Ayala is left in command while the ship is affected by a distortion ring being and the senior staff is confined to the holodecks.

In "Shattered", Chakotay encounters an alternate version of Ayala seven years younger who helps Chakotay and other time-tossed Voyager crew combat a threat posed by time-distorted Kazon invaders who hold engineering.

In "Repression", Ayala is one of the Maquis who are temporarily brainwashed into taking control of the ship. He becomes one of Chakotay's personal guards.

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Azan, Rebi and Mezoti

Azan and Rebi
Species Wysanti
Affiliation None (formerly the Borg)
Portrayed by Kurt and Cody Wetherill
Species Norcadian
Affiliation None (formerly the Borg)
Portrayed by Marley S. McClean

Azan and Rebi are brothers, natives of the Wysanti race. Mezoti is a young Norcadian girl, born about 2368. All three were abducted and assimilated by the cybernetic aliens known as the Borg.

In 2376, the Borg cube they were residing on as drones was disabled when all the adult drones on the vessel were killed by a pathogen that was carried on board by another abductee. The Cube and the five surviving "neo-natal" drones were abandoned by the Collective without their knowledge.

The young drones encountered the U.S.S. Voyager and attempted to acquire technology that would help them re-establish their link with the Borg, but their efforts failed, and they were brought aboard Voyager and carefully stripped of most of their cybernetic implants.

They lived on Voyager for several months under the mentorship of Seven of Nine, a fellow ex-drone, where they began to have an education. Then the starship located the Wysanti and the brothers returned home in early 2377. As Captain Janeway had been unable to contact the Norcadians, Mezoti joined them, and was eagerly welcomed by the Wysanti.

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Species Bolian
Home planet Bolarus IX
Affiliation first Maquis, then Starfleet
Rank Crewman
Portrayed by Derek McGrath

Chell is a fictional recurring character in Star Trek: Voyager. He is a Bolian. Chell is first introduced in the episode Learning Curve, which is set in 2371.

Chell, along with many other Voyager crewmen, originally served under Chakotay with the Maquis, until their ship was dragged to the Delta Quadrant by an enitity known as the Caretaker. The ship was destroyed after Chakotay performed a suicide run on a Kazon ship. Transporters were used to avoid any casualties.

Chell and the other Maquis were forced to merge with Voyager's crew on the long 70 year journey home to the Alpha Quadrant. Chell had disciplinary problems during the first year of Voyager's journey, such as talking out of turn. Chell ended up as a special group assigned to be trained Starfleet protocols by Tuvok, the ship's tactical officer. The others in the group included three other Maquis, Crewman Mariah Henley, Kenneth Dalby and Gerron, a Bajoran. At first Chell and the others were rude and disrespectful to Tuvok, but eventually improved under training. The group soon saved the ship from a plasma leak. Tuvok himself was saved from personal danger by the group, even though this violated orders.

In 2377, Maquis were being physically attacked, though they soon recovered from their injuries. Chell loudly voices his thoughts indicating he had never become comfortable with Starfleet personnel. After Voyager's resident Talaxian, Neelix left the ship in 2378, Chell asked to take his place in the mess hall. Janeway reviewed his planned menu, which was full of food/ship puns. Chell's plans were cut short when Voyager soon returned home to the Alpha Quadrant.

Chell's role as a character is expanded upon greatly when he appeared in the Activision game "Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force" as a member of the Hazard Team.

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Species Brunali
Home planet Brunali
Affiliation formerly the Borg, Starfleet
Rank Cadet (Received Starfleet Training aboard Voyager)
Portrayed by Manu Intiraymi
Mark Bennington

Icheb was played by Manu Intiraymi. He was assimilated by the Borg and has many parallels with the character Seven of Nine: they were both assimilated by the Borg while small children, were separated from the Borg hive mind, and restored very close to their pre-Borg selves with the help of the crew of Voyager and Captain Janeway.

After Icheb was assimilated he was placed inside a Borg maturation chamber, where he was to grow into an adult drone until an apparently space-borne virus infected the vessel he was aboard and consequently killed all the adult drones, disconnecting the vessel from the Borg. This caused the chamber to open and Icheb to emerge as an underdeveloped Borg drone.

He was not the only neonatal drone aboard, and the other drones that emerged (Azan, Rebi and Mezoti, plus an unnamed 'First') from their maturation chambers formed their own small collective to run the ship and return to the Borg. At this point, in the episode "Collective", they encountered Voyager. First was dangerously unstable and was eventually killed in the cube's explosion; Captain Janeway persuaded the other children to abandon the Borg cube and join Voyager.

As with Seven of Nine, the crew of Voyager and Captain Janeway's crew restored the Borg children to their pre-Borg selves, by removing most of their Borg implants, and counseling them as they regained their normal personalities.

In the episode "Child's Play", Icheb was facing a reunion with his parents. He met them, and at first was reluctant to return to the mainly agricultural planet, compared to the advanced technology and science of Voyager.

Eventually, he warmed to his parents and elected to stay with them. It then emerged that the people of his homeworld had genetically engineered Icheb to be a weapon against the Borg using the genetic knowledge they had applied to agriculture. When assimilated, he introduced a biological virus into the collective; it was this virus that first disabled the Borg ship from which he and the other adolescent drones were recovered.

His parents were planning to use him in this way again, in order to protect their homeworld, which frequently came under attack by the Borg. He was sedated by his parents, placed on a warp ship, and sent toward the Borg. Voyager retrieved Icheb before his ship was tractored into the Borg ship.

Icheb had many talents intellectually, and fit in well with the crew of Voyager. His main position on Voyager was assisting Seven of Nine in the Astrometrics laboratory. He sought to be admitted to the Starfleet Academy through training courses provided by the talented Senior Officers aboard Voyager. Partial communication was established with Starfleet Command on Earth, through which Icheb sat for and passed the entrance exam to the Academy. He gained the field rank of cadet from Captain Janeway.

The episode "Shattered" featured an alternate timeline set in 2394, in which an adult Icheb (who had attained a commission in Starfleet of Lieutenant Commander) helped Janeway and Chakotay restore Voyager to the correct space and time after it was hit by a "chronokinetic surge" that altered the ship. He did this by using advanced instruments that he and Naomi Wildman developed in the astrometrics lab.

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Michael Jonas

Michael Jonas
Species Human
Affiliation Starfleet
Posting USS Voyager
Position engineer
Portrayed by Raphael Sbarge

Michael Jonas was played by Raphael Sbarge. A member of the Maquis crew that joined with Voyager's in the year 2371, he quickly lost faith in Captain Kathryn Janeway's ability to bring USS Voyager home safely. He was particularly affected by the death of Kurt Bendera, a popular member of the Maquis aspect of the crew.

He began betraying secrets of Voyager to his former ally, Seska, a Cardassian spy among the Maquis, who had abandoned Voyager for life aboard a Kazon Nistrim vessel. He sent the Kazon all that Voyager knew about breaking the Warp 10 barrier. He was killed in the second season of the show after a struggle with Neelix, who had slowly been discovering Jonas' disloyalty.

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Lon Suder

Lon Suder

Lon Suder
Species Betazoid
Home planet Betazed
Affiliation Maquis, then Starfleet
Posting USS Voyager engineer
Rank Crewman
Portrayed by Brad Dourif

Lon Suder, played by Brad Dourif, is an engineer on Voyager.

Suder is a sociopathic Betazoid mercenary who, unlike most Betazoids, is not telepathic or even empathic. Many of the Maquis had been uncomfortable serving with Suder, who seemed to enjoy killing rather than having joined to further the Maquis cause. Suder later admits that this is exactly why he joined the Maquis: he likes to kill, and the Maquis provided a sufficient outlet for his rage.

While on Voyager, however, Suder cannot find a release for his violent tendencies, and by the episode "Meld" he kills fellow crewman Frank Darwin in a murderous fury. Lieutenant Tuvok, refusing to accept Suder's explanation that he killed Darwin for no reason, mind melds with Suder in an attempt to discover the truth and to bestow upon the troubled crewman some of his own Vulcan self-discipline. However, the meld affects Tuvok, transmitting Suder's sociopathy to the Vulcan. Tuvok, mentally ill, ultimately tries to kill Suder, who does not fight back as he is ready to die. Tuvok, partly helped by Suder's warnings that the violence will become his entire life, resists the temptation. The Doctor says this is a sign Tuvok is healing from his madness. Suder is sentenced to life imprisonment in his quarters until he can be rehabilitated. Over time, he finds that he has a natural talent for plant biology, and requests to help Voyager to both gain trust and become a part of the crew again.

When the Kazon and Cardassian spy Seska takes over Voyager in "Basics" and strands the crew on a desolate planet, only Suder and the ship's doctor are left on board. Struggling with his new found inner peace and conscience, Suder is forced to revisit his violent ways in order to rescue his crewmates. He aids the Doctor in wresting control of the ship from the Kazon, at one point becoming nearly catatonic after being forced to kill. In a final, selfless act of sabotage, Suder kills a group of Kazon in the Engineering room and sabotaged Voyager's backup phaser couplings just after he is fatally shot by a Kazon soldier. Because of his actions, Paris and some Talaxian comrades were able to retake Voyager. Tuvok later offers a Vulcan blessing over Suder's body that death might bring Suder the peace he could not find in life.

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Species Cardassian
Affiliation Kazon, Cardassian Union
Posting Spy aboard USS Voyager
Rank None (formerly Ensign)
Portrayed by Martha Hackett

Seska first appears in the episode "Parallax", as a Bajoran crewmember absorbed from the Maquis ship in the episode "Caretaker". In the episode "State of Flux", she is revealed to be a Cardassian undercover agent who had infiltrated the Maquis cell.

During her time with the Maquis, Seska had a love affair with her commander, former Starfleet officer Chakotay, and befriended the half-Klingon, half-human B'Elanna Torres. Seska's former relationship with Chakotay would later prove key to her plan to capture Voyager in the double-episode story "Basics."

Once aboard Voyager, Seska slowly melded into a normal life with the mixed Starfleet-Maquis crew, a process not without difficulty. Eventually, after several clashes with the ship's rigid command structure and increasing frustration with the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, Seska detached herself from the rest of the crew and began funneling assistance to the Kazon. She was caught while attempting to deliver replicator technology to the enemy, and upon her apprehension, her true Cardassian identity was discovered by the Doctor. Seska fled to the Kazon whereupon Jal Culluh took her as a lover.

The Kazon were able to capture Voyager with Seska's help after she joined their crew. Seska claimed to have impregnated herself with her former lover Chakotay's DNA and used the child as bait, knowing Chakotay would never abandon the child to the Kazon and its mother. The Kazon attacked the USS Voyager when it came for the child and were able to board and take over the vessel. During the short period when the Voyager crew was marooned on a planet, the Doctor learned that the child was half Cardassian and half Kazon. He told Seska the child was not Chakotay's but Culluh's. The Doctor explained that despite the baby's somewhat human appearance the child would probably develop Kazon features later on.

Seska was killed when the Voyager crew successfully retook the ship from the Kazon. Culluh, however, escaped, taking their son with him.

Almost a year after her death, in the episode "Worst Case Scenario", a holodeck program she had altered to kill Commander Tuvok was discovered in the ship's memory and nearly accomplished its purpose before it was successfully deactivated. Later, in "Shattered," when Voyager was caught in a temporal rift that placed different sections of the ship in different time periods, engineering was in the time period where the Kazon had captured the ship. Seska was featured in this episode as well, and her control of the ship was stopped by a collaboration of crew members from various time periods.

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Ensign Vorik
Species Vulcan
Home planet Vulcan
Affiliation Starfleet
Posting USS Voyager
Position Engineer
Rank Ensign
Portrayed by Alexander Enberg

Ensign Vorik, played by Alexander Enberg, is a Vulcan male who serves aboard Voyager as a highly qualified engineer.

Ensign Vorik was introduced in full as a minor named character in the episode "Fair Trade". In the episode "Blood Fever", Vorik underwent his first pon farr on stardate 50537 while Voyager was stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Approximately 75,000 light years from his arranged mate, Vorik declared kun-ut so'lik with his superior officer, Lt. Torres. When she refused, Vorik became desperate and accidentally (and unknowingly) initiated a telepathic mating bond with her, which triggered her own Klingon mating instincts. Vorik was forced to search for alternative ways to resolve his pon farr, but he found no relief from meditation or a holographic mate. Eventually, having exhausted all of his options, Vorik made the challenge of combat in the ritual kun-ut kal-if-fee, for the right to mate with B'Elanna. An enraged B'Elanna took the challenge herself, defeating Vorik and curing them both of the pon farr. After they recovered, both Vorik and B'Elanna returned to normal duty.

In the episode "Counterpoint", while Voyager crossed Devore space, Vorik was one of several telepathic crew members who were suspended in the transporter pattern buffer in order to avoid detection by the Devore inspections, led by Kashyk.

Star Trek: Voyager producer and writer Jeri Taylor has suggested that Vorik is the twin brother of "Taurik", another Vulcan Starfleet engineer (also played by Alexander Enberg) in Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Lower Decks".[1] (Jeri Taylor is Alexander Enberg's mother.)[1]

In the novel Homecoming Part 1 by Christie Golden, when Voyager gets back to Earth, Vorik was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for his seven years of service on USS Voyager.

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Samantha Wildman

Samantha Wildman
Species Human
Home planet Earth
Affiliation Starfleet
Posting USS Voyager
Position xenobiologist
Rank Ensign
Portrayed by Nancy Hower

Ensign Samantha Wildman, played by actress Nancy Hower, joined Voyager as a xenobiologist, not knowing she was pregnant by her Ktarian husband Greskrendtregk. She gave birth to Naomi in 2372. She chose Neelix as Naomi's godfather.

The character was named after a real person, a little girl who died in an accident. The real Samantha's organs were transplanted into the ailing wife of Voyager episode writer Jimmy Diggs, who gratefully named a character after the girl.[2]

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