Seoi nage (背負い投げ ) is a shoulder throw, one of the traditional forty throws of Judo as developed by Jigoro Kano. It belongs to the first group, Dai Ikkyo, of the traditional throwing list, Gokyo (no waza), of Kodokan Judo. It is also part of the current 67 Throws of Kodokan Judo. It is classified as a hand technique, Te-Waza.
The specific techniques of morote-seoi-nage (two hands seoi-nage) or eri-seoi are generally called seoi-nage. The distinctive technical aspect of this classification is that tori (the one executing the technique) grips with his two hands[1] as opposed to Ippon Seoi Nage in which only one hand remain gripping while the other slides under uke's (the one receiving the technique) armpit.[2]
Danzan Ryu's Seoi Goshi most closely resembles Judo's Seoi Nage, whereas Danzan Ryu's Seoi Nage is actually Judo's Ippon Seoinage. Seoi Goshi is one of the twenty arts in the Nage No Te list.
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