
Segbwema, Sierra Leone
Segbwema, Sierra Leone
Location in Sierra Leone
Country Sierra Leone
Province Eastern Province
District Kailahun District
Population (2004)
 • Total 7,961
Time zone GMT (UTC-5)

Segbwema is a major agricultural center of Sierra Leone, with a population of 7,961 (2004 census).[1] It is the largest town in Kailahun District after the capital (Kailahun); and the fourth largest (following Kenema, Koidu Town and Kailahun) in the Eastern Province. Its populace is almost entirely Mende, both in ethnicity and language, though Krio is also widely spoken.

Sierra Leone has another, smaller town of the same name in the Southern Province.

Segbwema is a hilly town that is divided roughly in two by the small river Nyeya, which is a tributary of the Maleh river. The town belongs to and is the headquarters of Njaluahun chiefdom, a major chiefdom nestled between the Moa and Maleh rivers. Njaluahun is bounded by the eastern chiefdoms of Nongowa, Jawei and Kpeje. Contrary to popular descriptions of Segbwema as a purely Mende town, Segbwema is one of the most diverse small towns in Sierra Leone and the human geography of the town reflects this diversity.

The main indigenous ethnic group in Segbwema, as the case in most towns of the Eastern Region, are the Mendes. The Mendes are mainly concentrated in the Taima, Pendembulo, Kabalahun, Manina, Sosso Town, Largo Square and Nyekehun sections of Segbwema. Madingos and Fulas represent the other main ethnic groups and they are mostly located in Konotown, which is arguably the largest section of Segbwema. Temnes are mainly in Sosso Town and Kono town and the indigenous Limba population are located at the four main entrances to Segbwema: Largo Square, Kabalahun, Sosso town and the Segbwma-Daru road. Segbwema also has ethnic Hausa, Konyanka and Krio populations. The reason for the multi-ethnic nature of Segbwema is that it was a major trading center during the heyday of the railway as it was the last major rail town in the Eastern Province and also because it had the best health care center in the Eastern province, the Nixon Memorial Methodist Hospital. The various ethnic groups have existed in the town for decades without any significant problems. Segbwema, though it is a rural town, has a truly metropolitan feel as all the various groups have a strong sense of community and citizenship. Everybody participates without fear in the internal politics of the town and we date and marry without much regard to ethnic or tribal affiliations. One major reason for this close-knit multi-ethnicity is that everybody in Segbwema speaks Mende and almost all speak Krio. In essence there is no communication problem among the different communities. Segbwema is also unique in that every ethnic group is allowed to serve in the administration of the town, either as chiefs or as tribal authorities. This allows every group to believe that they have a say in the future of the town and authority in affairs of the town. This model minimizes conflict and makes the children in the town grow up to see themselves as one, citizens of Segbwema, rather than viewing themselves as Mende, Temne, Limba, Madingo, or Krio.

As most of the major towns in rural Sierra Leone, Segbwema was heavily destroyed during the civil war. Most of the developments we were proud of: our secondary schools, Wesley and Holy Ghost, our police station and police barracks, the Nixon Memorial Hospital, the Nixon nursing Schools, the Standard bank and many other landmarks were burnt down by rebels of the RUF and other disgruntled and unpatriotic entities. Those of us Segbwema citizens in the global diaspora who want to help have formed the Segbwema Development Association (SEDA), which is aimed at investing in the resuscitation of the educational, agricultural and healthcare infrastructure in the town, and are calling on the whole world, especially Sierra Leoneans abroad, to assist in this humanitarian venture


  1. ^ Republic of Sierra Leone: 2004 Population and Housing Census: Analytical Report on Population Distribution, Migration and Urbanisation in Sierra Leone.
    Ibrahim Mohamed Sesay, Andrew A. Karam, Jinnah J. Ngobeh. Published November 2006.