Glossary of plant morphology terms

Biologists that study plant morphology use a number of different terms to describe plant organs and parts that can be observed with the human eye using no more than a hand held magnifying lens. These terms are used to identify and classify plants.


General plant terms

Plant habit


Duration of individual plant lives are described using these terms:

Vegetative morphology


Roots generally do not offer many characters used in plant identification and classification but are important in determining plant duration though in some groups they very important for proper identification including the grasses.




Leaf Parts: – A complete leaf is composed of a blade, petiole and stipules and in many plants one or more might be lacking or highly modified.

Duration of leaves:


Leaf Arrangement or Phyllotaxy:

Leaf Type:

Leaf Blade Shape:

Leaf Base Shape:

Leaf Blade Apex:

Leaf Blade Margins:

Leaf Modifications:

Epidermis and periderm texture

Floral morphology

Basic flower parts


Insertion of floral parts

Specialized terms

Union of flower parts

Flower sexuality and presence of floral parts

Flower symmetry

Pollination and fertilization

Embryo development

Fruits and seeds

Fruits are the matured ovary of seed bearing plants and they include the contents of the ovary, which can be floral parts like the receptacle, involucre, calyx and others that are fused to it. Fruits are often used to identify plant taxa and help to place the species in the correct family or differentiate different groups with in the same family.

Terms for fruits

Fruit types

Fruits are divided into different types depending on how they form, were or how they open and what parts they are composed of.

Seedless reproduction

Pteridophyte sporangium terms

Bryophyte gametangium terms

Bryophyte sporangium terms

See also


  1. ^ Comparative morphology
  2. ^ "glossary". Fire Effects Information System. 
  3. ^ "Glossary: epicormic buds". EUCLID – Eucalypts of Australia. Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research. Retrieved 27 December 2010. 
  4. ^ Hickey, M.; King, C. (2001). The Cambridge Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terms. Cambridge University Press. 
