School of International Development

The School of International Development (formerly The School of Development Studies) is a department at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, England. Situated within the Faculty of Social Sciences, the School of International Development (DEV, pronounced ‘devh’) has 250 undergraduates, 150 taught postgraduates, 80 PhD students, 13 associated researchers and 36 academic staff. DEV provides a research and teaching environment (encompassing social, political, natural and environmental sciences and economics) for its staff and students. DEV graduates have careers in academia, government, non-governmental organisations, research institutes, consultancies and private business. The school is ranked in the top three British ‘development studies’ departments[1].


Research centre of excellence

The School of International Development (DEV) was founded in 1973 and along with the Overseas Development Group (ODG) has built a reputation as a centre of excellence for research, teaching and consultancy in international development, within the UK. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), DEV was ranked in the top three British ‘development studies’ departments, which is a 5-star department using the old RAE 2001 grading method. At the time of the 2008 RAE, all 32 academic staff were included in the RAE, which means that the outcome applies to the whole department. More than 60 percent of research outputs were considered as ‘world leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. Within DEV, faculty members work as researchers, consultants and advisers on a wide range of development projects, and their experience feeds back into research and teaching.

DEV undertakes problem-centred research with involvement of end-users to facilitate change, which is guided by the framework of research areas and themes. DEV has a research reputation in the fields of political ecology, gender, agricultural/rural development and livelihoods, and emerging research profiles in health, HIV/AIDS, climate change mitigation and adaptation, environmental governance, and education and literacy.

DEV publications are located in leading journals, such as Journal of Development Studies, Science, World Development, Journal of South Asian Development, African Affairs, Journal of Human Development and Economic Journal, as well as in books, research reports and working papers. DEV policy impacts are found within key development institutions, such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Department for International Development (DFID), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), United States Agency for International Development (USAID, World Bank, World Health Organisation (WHO) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF). DEV has a strong presence in national and international agendas through membership of ESRC panels, DFID committees and key UN policy forums; journal editorial positions, such as co-editor of Global Environment Change and book reviews editor of Journal of South Asian Development; high-level appointments, such as the former President of the Development Studies Association (DSA), Scientific Adviser on two major DEFRA projects on climate impacts and adaptation in China and India, and Vice-Chair of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel to the Global Environment Facility; and by attending, presenting at and organising seminars, workshops and conferences. Many faculty are members of the DSA, as well as other professional bodies, such as the International Society for Agricultural Economics. In recent years, DEV has awarded honorary degrees to Bob Geldof, Yolanda Kakabadse Navarro, Sorious Samura and Dr Naresh Saxena.

Research areas and themes

Research in DEV addresses the current challenges of international development through multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches in the social, political, natural and environmental sciences and economics. Research is organised into three areas, which each comprise three research themes, with some overlapping topics:

Area 1: Social and Human Development

This area looks at social and economic policies, poverty reduction and empowerment of vulnerable groups to improve people’s quality of life and to promote social change.

Theme 1: Gender and Development

Theme 2: Education and Literacy

Theme 3: Health Policy and Practice

Area 2: The Political Economy of Development

This area looks at economic, legal and political processes and issues affecting developing countries, and responses to these by the state and civil society.

Theme 1: Globalisation and Development

Theme 2: Conflict, Governance and Development

Theme 3: Growth, Inequality and Poverty Reduction

Area 3: Livelihoods and Environmental Change

This area looks at the interface between science and society, particularly in relation to the environment, natural resources and livelihoods.

Theme 1: Understanding Environmental Change

Theme 2: Livelihoods

Theme 3: Environmental Governance and Management

Within DEV there are several cross-disciplinary research groups, which hold meetings, and organise seminars and conferences:

Academic staff

DEV has 36 lecturers, who are from a wide variety of countries, backgrounds and disciplines, and at different stages of their academic careers. Approximately 8-11 scientists comprise each of the three broad disciplines of social and political science; natural resources and environment; and economics to support multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and collaborative research.

Associated researchers

DEV/ODG has 13 fellows and associates working on an extensive range of development projects. A British Academy postdoctoral fellow is undertaking a trajectory study examining the vulnerability of coffee growing migrants in Vietnam over a five year period. DEV also has 12 honorary appointments, including several retired faculty members with over 30 years of expertise in international development.

PhD students

DEV has nearly 80 PhD students from varied backgrounds, countries and disciplines working closely with academic staff on diverse issues covering social, political, natural and environmental sciences and economics. PhD students are funded from a range of sources: self-financing, research council awards, charitable/international scholarships and UEA/DEV scholarships. PhD students join one or more research groups and attend UEA and DEV trainings to ensure personal and professional development. They are encouraged to be professionally active within their field: attending and presenting at in-house seminars, national and international meetings and conferences; publishing working papers, books chapters and articles; teaching on undergraduate and taught masters courses; organising seminars, workshops and conferences; and undertaking consultancies. Support is provided by the Postgraduate Research Student (PGR) director, two academic supervisors, a pastoral supervisor, peer-organised informal workshops and a buddy system.

Taught postgraduates

There are 150 taught postgraduates in DEV from a wide range of countries and backgrounds undertaking Graduate Diplomas and MA/MSc/MRes courses. Two taught Graduate Diploma courses are offered: Graduate Diploma in Development Studies (DIPDS) and the Graduate Diploma in Development Studies and English Language (DIPELDS). Seventeen taught masters courses are currently available:

DEV masters courses are composed of core and optional modules, which include:

Students are taught by academic staff with experience of different countries and disciplines to ensure a variety of approaches and case studies, using lectures, seminars and videos. Students are funded from a range of sources: self-financing, research council awards, charitable/international scholarships and UEA/DEV scholarships. Course work assessment includes written assignments, such as essays, an examination and dissertation. Students are encouraged to pursue their professional and personal interests whilst at DEV, and to enjoy the experience of learning in a culturally diverse environment.


DEV has 250 undergraduates from a variety of countries and disciplinary backgrounds studying five BA/BSc degree courses, which include:

DEV also offers joint degrees with the School of Environmental Sciences (ENV) and the School of Linguistics, Language and Translation Studies (LLT), which include:

Skills training

DEV also offers a variety of courses and training seminars to strengthen employability/key skills for all students. At present DEV covers: research skills; study skills; IT skills; employability skills; development practice; and skills innovation.


Outreach is designed to increase awareness of opportunities at UEA for school pupils in the region. DEV provides opportunities for undergraduate, taught postgraduate and research students to become involved with school outreach activities in East Anglia, e.g. visiting schools, giving talks, running workshops, and acting as a school ambassador.

Overseas Development Group

ODG was founded in 1967 and it has made a significant contribution to international development though consultancy activities and training programmes within and outside the UK. ODG is the institutional mechanism for producing funded research and for policy engagement. All members of DEV faculty belong to ODG and they can generate research and applied work, which is sectoral, cross-themed or through partnerships with other organisations. ODG has 8 research staff working on a variety of projects, including adaptation to climate change in transboundary river basins in Africa; vulnerability and adaptation to natural hazards/disasters and climate change; and conservation, development and livelihoods, with an emphasis on Marine Protected Areas, small islands and climate change.

The ODG 2009 UK-based training courses include:

ODG also houses the UK Secretariat Office of the Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network (SAIN) and the Social Action Research Centre (SARC). SAIN addresses the link between agriculture and climate change in a China-UK partnership on sustainable agriculture and fisheries. SARC is a research, training, consultancy, service and professional development agency. It runs the CBA/DFID Broadcast Media Scheme through a Programme Development Fund and a Travel Bursary Fund to improve and increase coverage of international development on UK mainstream TV.


The annual DEV/ODG newsletter called ‘Development’ provides news about the school (including faculty and students) and graduates. DEV alumni go on to have diverse careers within academia, government, non-governmental organisations, schools and colleges, research institutes, consultancies and private business, both in the UK and internationally.


External links