In four-dimensional geometry, Schläfli–Hess polychora are the complete set of 10 regular self-intersecting star polychora (four-dimensional polytopes). They are named in honor of their discoverers: Ludwig Schläfli and Edmund Hess. Each is represented by a Schläfli symbol {p,q,r} in which one of the numbers is 5/2. They are thus analogous to the regular nonconvex Kepler–Poinsot polyhedra.
Allowing for regular star polygons as cells and vertex figures, these 10 polychora add to the set of six regular convex 4-polytopes. All may be derived as stellations of the 120-cell {5,3,3} or the 600-cell {3,3,5}.
Contents |
Four of them were found by Ludwig Schläfli while the other six were skipped because he would not allow forms that failed the Euler characteristic on cells or vertex figures (for zero-hole tori: F − E + V = 2). That excludes cells and vertex figures as {5,5/2}, and {5/2,5}.
Edmund Hess (1843–1903) published the complete list in his 1883 German book Einleitung in die Lehre von der Kugelteilung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Anwendung auf die Theorie der Gleichflächigen und der gleicheckigen Polyeder.
Their names given here were given by John Conway, extending Cayley's names for the Kepler–Poinsot polyhedra: along with stellated and great, he adds a grand modifier. Conway offered these operational definitions:
All ten polychora have [3,3,5] (H4) hexacosichoric symmetry. They are generated from 6 related rational-order symmetry groups: [3,5,5/2], [5,5/2,5], [5,3,5/2], [5/2,5,5/2], [5,5/2,3], [3,3,5/2].
Each group has 2 regular star-polychora, except for two groups which are self-dual, having only one. So there are 4 dual-pairs and 2 self-dual forms among the ten regular star polychora.
The cells (polyhedra), their faces (polygons), the polygonal edge figures and polyhedral vertex figures are identified by their Schläfli symbols.
Name |
Wireframe | Solid | Schläfli {p, q,r} Coxeter–Dynkin |
Cells {p, q} |
Faces {p} |
Edges {r} |
Vertices {q, r} |
Density | χ | Dual {r, q,p} |
Icosahedral 120-cell | {3,5,5/2} |
120 {3,5} |
1200 {3} |
720 {5/2} |
120 {5,5/2} |
4 | 480 | Small stellated 120-cell | ||
Small stellated 120-cell | {5/2,5,3} |
120 {5/2,5} |
720 {5/2} |
1200 {3} |
120 {5,3} |
4 | −480 | Icosahedral 120-cell | ||
Great 120-cell | {5,5/2,5} |
120 {5,5/2} |
720 {5} |
720 {5} |
120 {5/2,5} |
6 | 0 | Self-dual | ||
Grand 120-cell | {5,3,5/2} |
120 {5,3} |
720 {5} |
720 {5/2} |
120 {3,5/2} |
20 | 0 | Great stellated 120-cell | ||
Great stellated 120-cell | {5/2,3,5} |
120 {5/2,3} |
720 {5/2} |
720 {5} |
120 {3,5} |
20 | 0 | Grand 120-cell | ||
Grand stellated 120-cell | {5/2,5,5/2} |
120 {5/2,5} |
720 {5/2} |
720 {5/2} |
120 {5,5/2} |
66 | 0 | Self-dual | ||
Great grand 120-cell | {5,5/2,3} |
120 {5,5/2} |
720 {5} |
1200 {3} |
120 {5/2,3} |
76 | −480 | Great icosahedral 120-cell | ||
Great icosahedral 120-cell | {3,5/2,5} |
120 {3,5/2} |
1200 {3} |
720 {5} |
120 {5/2,5} |
76 | 480 | Great grand 120-cell | ||
Grand 600-cell | {3,3,5/2} |
600 {3,3} |
1200 {3} |
720 {5/2} |
120 {3,5/2} |
191 | 0 | Great grand stellated 120-cell | ||
Great grand stellated 120-cell | {5/2,3,3} |
120 {5/2,3} |
720 {5/2} |
1200 {3} |
600 {3,3} |
191 | 0 | Grand 600-cell |
The existence of a regular polychoron is constrained by the existence of the regular polyhedra and a dihedral angle constraint:
The six regular convex polytopes and 10 star polytopes above are the only solutions to these constraints.
There are four nonconvex Schläfli symbols {p,q,r} that have valid cells {p,q} and vertex figures {q,r}, and pass the dihedral test, but fail to produce finite figures: {3,5/2,3}, {4,3,5/2}, {5/2,3,4}, {5/2,3,5/2}.