Social Assistance Program For Vietnam (SAP-VN) - a non-profit humanitarian organization. It declares its objective in providing direct relief to needy and poor people, orphans and handicapped children, mainly in health care, education and social welfare of Vietnam. Founded in 1992 and based in Garden Grove, California, USA. The institution is headed and run mainly by the US citizens of Vietnamese origin.
At present (as of 2007) the organization implements humanitarian projects in the following spheres: orthopedic surgery, cataract surgery, cleft-palate/lip surgery, wheelchair, free healthcare, education, disaster relief.
SAP-VN publishes quarterly newsletter Green Cross. It spent about 200 thousand USD in 2006 on all the projects.
On its web-site the directory of non-governmental organization in Vietnam is created.[1]
This article is related to the List of non-governmental organizations in Vietnam.