
Actano's RPlan is an Enterprise Project Management software used in the automotive industry.



RPlan adopts a collaborative project management approach and divides project schedules into a large number of individual schedule fragments. Each fragment has an owner and users can load and edit any combination of fragments into the application as if they constituted a single schedule. Even if the schedules are very large, users are presented with a clearly arranged view and are able to plan realistically. The software also enables departments to exchange planning information during the course of projects. Apparently, there are projects with up to 100,000 tasks that are managed in this way.


The software is of modular structure and the following modules are available for the various application areas:


RPlan is a 3-tier Java application. The server component supports Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere and SAP NetWeaver. Depending on module, the client is implemented as a Web client or as a rich client. The rich client makes use of a Java applet that does not require local installation. RPlan offers a programming interface in two variants. The first is a batch interface to download project data, create new projects, and modify existing projects, all on an XML basis. The second is a standard Web service interface to modify the data in RPlan.

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