Royal Society of Medicine

The Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) is a British charitable organisation whose main purpose is as a provider of medical education, running over 350 meetings and conferences each year.


History and overview

The society was originally founded on 22 May 1805 as the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London when leading members of the Medical Society of London split from the society to form a new society that would bring together branches of the medical profession "for the purpose of conversation on professional subjects, for the reception of communications and for the formation of a library". It adopted the current name of Royal Society of Medicine in 1907 when a number of independent societies, including the Epidemiological Society founded in 1850, whose members had included John Snow,[1] merged with the society under a new Royal Charter.

The headquarters of the RSM are in an Edwardian baroque building completed in 1912 by John Belcher at 1 Wimpole Street, London and contain one of the largest postgraduate medical libraries in Europe. The Society publishes an eponymous Journal, the JRSM. For those potentially interested in becoming a doctor and wanting to know what it entails, the society also publishes a comprehensive guide to medical school application, entitled A career in medicine. The society also owns the nearby Chandos House, designed by the 18th century architect Robert Adam, which it runs as a venue facility.

Scientists are elected to the Society following nomination and committee review. It takes members from a wide range of professions including medicine, dentistry, veterinary sciences and allied healthcare specialities. It also welcomes students members of medicine, dentistry and veterinary science to join. An elite group of physicians or scientists are elected annually to fellowship or as Honorary Fellows. Elected fellows correspond to members of the Institute of Medicine in the USA.

On July 20, 2010, Professor Parveen Kumar was appointed as the President of the Society. Prior to this, the President of the Society was Robin C. N. Williamson.[2]

It is not to be confused with the older Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, Scotland, or the even older Royal Society and Society of Apothecaries of London.

New Authored Medical Book Award

The Society of Authors administers the prize annually for medical books published in Britain. The principal aim of the prize is to encourage authors who work in the UK and write for medical students, medical professionals or the general public.

The 2008 New Authored Book Award went to Professor Michael Wilson [3] for his work Bacteriology of Humans: An Ecological Perspective [4].


  • 2010–2012 Parveen Kumar
  • 2008–2010 Robin C. N. Williamson
  • 2006–2008 Ilora Finlay, Baroness Finlay of Llandaff
  • 2004–2006 Sir John Lilleyman
  • 2002–2004 Sir Barry Jackson
  • 2000–2002 Deirdre Hine
  • 1998–2000 Lord Soulsby of Swaffham
  • 1996–1998 Sir Christopher Paine
  • 1994–1996 Sir Donald Harrison
  • 1992–1994 Sir George Pinker
  • 1990–1992 Sir David Innes Williams
  • 1988–1990 Sir Christopher Booth
  • 1986–1988 Sir Gordon Robson
  • 1984–1986 Lord Walton of Detchant
  • 1982–1984 Sir James Watt
  • 1980–1982 Sir John Stallworthy
  • 1978–1980 Sir Rodney Smith
  • 1975–1978 Sir Gordon Wolstenholme
  • 1973–1975 Sir John Stallworthy
  • 1971–1973 Sir Hedley Atkins
  • 1969–1971 Sir John Richardson
  • 1967–1969 Sir Hector MacLennan
  • 1966–1967 Sir Arthur Porritt (one year only)
  • 1964–1966 Lord Cohen of Birkenhead
  • 1962–1964 Sir Terence Cawthorne
  • 1960–1962 Lord Adrian
  • 1956–1958 Sir Clifford Price Thomas
  • 1954–1956 Sir Francis Walshe
  • 1950–1952 Sir Alfred Edward Webb-Johnson
  • 1948–1950 Sir Henry Hallett Dale
  • 1946–1948 Sir Maurice Alan Cassidy
  • 1944–1946 Sir Gordon Gordon-Taylor
  • 1936–1938 Sir Thomas Clifford Allbutt
  • 1930–1932 Sir Harry Platt
  • 1926–1928 Sir James Berry
  • 1924–1926 Sir St Clair Thomson
  • 1922–1924 Sir William Hale-White
  • 1920–1922 Sir John Bland-Sutton
  • 1918–1920 Sir Humphry Davy Rolleston
  • 1916–1918 Sir Rickman Godlee
  • 1912–1914 Sir Francis Henry Champneys
  • 1910–1912 Sir Henry B. Morris
  • 1907–1909 Sir William Selby Church

Honorary Fellowships

The origins of the Society's Honorary Fellowship may be traced back to the first meeting in 1805 of the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London, when the following resolution was passed: 'That Gentlemen who have eminently distinguished themselves in Sciences connected with Medicine, but who are not of the Medical Profession, or do not practise therein, be admissible as Honorary Members'.[5] A further resolution elected the following inaugural Honorary Members:[5]

Later Honorary Follows have included:

Edward Jenner Medal

The award was founded in 1896 by the Epidemiological Society (1850–1907) to commemorate the centenary of Edward Jenner’s discovery of a means of smallpox vaccination. It is awarded periodically to individuals who have undertaken distinguished work in epidemiological research.

The medal was designed in Bronze by Allan Wyon. It features Jenner’s face on one aspect and the symbol of the Epidemiological Society, the Earth, on the reverse. The medal was re-cast following the evolution of the Society into the Section of Epidemiology at the RSM in 1907. Photographs of the medal may be found in The History of the Royal Society of Medicine[1] published in 2001.

It was first awarded to Sir William Henry Power who was the then Medical Officer for London and had formulated the theory of aerial conveyance of smallpox and chaired the Royal Commission on Tuberculosis.[7]

Recipients include


The Royal Society of Medicine Press is the publishing arm of the RSM. Growing rapidly in recent years it is now recognised as one of the leading medical society publishers. RSM Press publishes books, journals and online resources for health professionals in training and in practice.

As of June 2008, the Royal Society of Medicine launched an online postgraduate exam revision site: examdoctor. This new resource is aimed at helping postgraduates through the Royal College and other professional exams.

Archive versions of the above two journals are available at PubMed Central. See external links section below.
The journal’s open access allows for all research articles and the editor’s column from each issue to be made available online for free, via PubMed Central. All articles are made free to access three years after publication. See external links section below.

Rebranding and One Wimpole Street

The Royal Society of Medicine's headquarters located at 1 Wimpole Street, has long hosted the society's medical training program, but in 2008 the space was rebranded to "One Wimpole Street, the Home of the Royal Society of Medicine".[21] With the aim of attracting new non-medical business to the venue, it has now become a popular choice for event organisers in London.

See also


  1. ^ a b Penelope Hunting The History of the Royal Society of Medicine, pp. 171–172. Retrieved on 2011-06-12. ISBN 978-1-85315-497-3
  2. ^ "News". Royal Society of Medicine. Retrieved 2009-01-11. 
  3. ^ Michael Wilson | Research Staff | UCL Eastman Dental Institute. (2011-04-14). Retrieved on 2011-06-12.
  4. ^ Wiley: Bacteriology of Humans: An Ecological Perspective. Retrieved on 2011-06-12.
  5. ^ a b K Newton, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Volume 84, April 1991, page 245
  6. ^ It is not certain whether 'Aikin' is Charles Rochemont Aikin, Arthur Aikin, or John Aikin, author of 'Biographical memoirs of medicine in Great Britain'.
  7. ^ History of the section of Epidemiology & Public Health
  8. ^ Alphonse Laveran, M. D. 1845–1922,
  9. ^ "Presentation of the Jenner Medal". Proc. R. Soc. Med. 5 (Sect Epidemiol State Med): 149. 1912. PMC 2005375. PMID 19976307. 
  10. ^ AIM25 text-only browsing: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: MANSON, Sir Patrick (1844–1922). Retrieved on 2011-06-12.
  11. ^ a b "Presentation of Jenner Medal". Proc. R. Soc. Med. 55 (10): 850. 1962. PMC 1896896. PMID 19994185. 
  12. ^ M.G. Obituary. Thomas Henry Craig Stevenson. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Vol. 96, No. 1 (1933), pp. 151–156
  13. ^ "Announcements". Nature 142 (3589): 287. 1938. doi:10.1038/142287b0. 
  14. ^ "News from the field". American Journal of Public Health 28 (10): 1260. October 1938. doi:10.2105/AJPH.28.10.1260. 
  15. ^ Dunn PM (May 2008). "Dr Leonard Colebrook, FRS (1883–1967) and the chemotherapeutic conquest of puerperal infection". Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed. 93 (3): F246–8. doi:10.1136/adc.2006.104448. PMID 18426926. 
  16. ^ "Association News". International Journal of Epidemiology 8 (3): 293. 1979. doi:10.1093/ije/8.3.293. 
  17. ^ Oakley CL (1971). "Leonard Colebrook. 1883–1967". Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 17: 91–138. PMID 11615432. 
  18. ^ Editorial Board (2007). "20th Death-day of a Prominent Czech Epidemiologist Karel Raška, MD, DrSc". Cent Eur J Public Health 15 (3): 127. 
  19. ^ [1]
  20. ^ Galbraith, N. S. (1991). "Quarterly Communicable Disease Review January to March 1991: From the PHLS Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre". Journal of Public Health 13 (3): 219. 
  21. ^ One Wimpole Street, UK.

External links