The Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences is a Belgian institute and part of the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO). The academy was founded in 1928 in order to promote scientific knowledge in overseas regions. The elected members of the academy are high-level scientists specialized in overseas regions.
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The academy was founded in 1928 as the Institut Royal Colonial Belge (E:Royal Belgian Colonial Institute) and inaugurated in 1929 by the Minister, Henri Jaspar. The activities of the academy were oriented towrds Belgian Congo. In 1954, the institute was renamed as the Royal Academy of Colonial Sciences and in 1959 changed its name to the present Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences.
The Academy is divided into three Sections, which each hold monthly meetings for its member. Eache year in October, there is a plenary public session for all sections. The texts of the lectures are published in the Bulletin des Séances or Mededelingen der Zittingen. The three sections are:
In addition to the sections, the academy has several commissions: