Roesbrugge is a small rural village in de Belgian provincie of West-Flanders. Roesbrugge is the largest of two villages that make up the "deelgemeente" Roesbrugge-Haringe in the municipality of Poperinge. Roesbrugge is located in the north western part of Poperinge and in the northern parth of Roesbrugge-Haringe. De town centre is located along the Yser river. An old branch of this river, de Dode IJzer (Dead Yser) makes up the northern border of the town centre. The built-up area extends across the Dode IJzer into the hamlet Beveren-Kalsijde, a settlement on the territory of Beveren-aan-de-IJzer in the municipality of Alveringem. The small village of Haringe is located one kilometer to the south west of Roesbrugge; both make up the deelgemeente Roesbrugge-Haringe.
The catholic church and parish of Roesbrugge are named after Saint Martin. The church was built between 1806 and 1837.