
RoboRealm is an application for use in computer vision, image analysis, and robotic vision systems. It is based on a server system whose functionalities are available through remote procedure calls. An API exist for different languages.

RobotRealm supports a large variety of robotic and programming platforms, such as surveyor, Lego Mindstorms NXT, and Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio.

Many different algorithms are already implemented: Blob and Particle Algorithms; Color Algorithms; Edge Detection; Filters; among other common computer vision functionalities. As a tool for computer vision applied to robotics, it also includes methods for robot localization and basic navigation skills, and integration with common robotic sensors.


RoboRealm can be interfaces using a GUI or an API. There is an API based on a socket based communication protocol that allows to access all the functionalities using different languages.

The protocol is based on a tagged language.


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