Robert DeGrimston (also known as "The Teacher," and Robert Moor) (born August 10, 1935) was a founder of The Process Church of The Final Judgment (popularly referred to as The Process) in the 1960s. He was born in Shanghai, China.
Created in partnership with Mary Anne MacLean ("The Oracle")(born November 20, 1931, Glasgow, Scotland), they met while they were members of the Church of Scientology in London.[1] The Process held that God is made of four separate parts equally worthy of worship -- Jehovah, Christ, Lucifer and Satan --- and that a person must worship all four in succession to gain enlightenment.[2] Their newsletter was in vogue during the era of flower power, and featured articles about the Rolling Stones, Charles Manson and the like.[2]
Robert and MaryAnne divorced in 1974, at which point MaryAnne and several original members of the group continued as the Foundation Church of the Millennium, which later became Best Friends Animal Society.