Robason is an English surname. When the English found it advantageous, in days of yore, to introduce surnames, there were many ways one could choose the new family name. One method, for instance, was to use an individual’s profession as a surname (e.g. a baker became “Baker” or a cooper became “Cooper”). In the days not of yore, no surnames were introduced, but simply inherited or reused. Another common practice was to add “son” to the patriarch’s given name. Thus, the surname for the sons of Robert became “Robertson”, or “Robinson” (as Robin was apparently a popular nickname for Robert). Over the centuries, and maybe even from the beginning, there have been many derivations of the Robertson and Robinson surnames - Roberson and Robason are two such derivatives. [1] [2]The exact geographical origins of the surname ROBASON is generally unknown. [3]
As of 08:33, 28 September 2009, this article is derived in whole or in part from The copyright holder has licensed the content utilized under CC-By-SA and GFDL. All relevant terms must be followed. The original text was at "Roberson Family History".