Rigid panel

Rigid panel insulation is made from fibrous materials (fiberglass, rock and slag wool) or from plastic foam. They are sometimes sold in sections designed to fit tightly in standard wall cavities. When sold this way, they are called "batts", and they come in different thicknesses to match the depth of wall cavities, for example, approx. 5½ inches to match a 2 x 6 inch wall cavity.

Where rigid panels are most often used:

Important note #1: If you insulate the foundation with rigid panels, but you stop using rigid panels where the siding begins, then you should install flashing in between the bottom course of siding and the top edge of the rigid panels, to prevent water from seeping behind the panels.

Important note #2: When insulating the exterior foundation, you should install the rigid panels in two staggered layers, and fill the gaps at the seams with spray foam, to keep moisture from penetrating from the outside. However, when insulating between the sheathing and siding, you should leave slight gaps between the rigid panels to allow moisture to escape from the exterior side of the sheathing.





More on rigid cellular polystyrene panels

There are many types of rigid cellular polystyrene (RCPS). Styrofoam is simply Dow Chemical's brand name, and does not refer to any particular type of RCPS. Some polystyrene uses up to 50% recycled resin, including post-consumer plastic. Several states have banned polystyrene that uses CFCs as blowing agents.