Richard Urman

Richard D. Urman is a physician practicing in Boston, Massachusetts at the Brigham and Women's Hospital. Dr. Urman was the 2005 recipient of the American Medical Association Foundation Leadership Award[1] [1]. He received his MD from Harvard Medical School and MBA from Harvard Business School. He is the co-author of Pocket Anesthesia (ISBN 0781795842), Anesthesiology Student Survival Guide (ISBN 0387097082), The MGH Textbook of Anesthetic Equipment (ISBN 978-1437709735) and Essential Clinical Anesthesia (ISBN 978-0521720205), Pocket Pain Medicine (ISBN 978-1608313365), among others. His clinical interests include novel anesthetic drugs, sedation practices, operating room efficiency, and patient safety. He is a Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Safety in Office Based Surgery, Inc. [2].
