In Norse mythology, reginnaglar (Old Norse "god nails") are nails used for religious purposes.
For example, the Icelandic saga Eyrbyggja saga relates the use of reginnaglar in the construction of a temple by Þórólfur Mostrarskegg (Thorolf Most-Beard):
- Thereafter Thorolf fared with fire through his land out from Staff-river in the west, and east to that river which is now called Thors-river, and settled his shipmates there. But he set up for himself a great house at Templewick which he called Templestead. There he let build a temple, and a mighty house it was. There was a door in the side-wall and nearer to one end thereof. Within the door stood the pillars of the high-seat, and nails were therein; they were called the Gods' nails.[1]
- ^ Eyrbyggja saga, William Morris & Eirikr Magnusson translation (1892), Ch. 4.
See also