Regenerative medicine

Regenerative medicine is the "process of replacing or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function"[1]. This field holds the promise of regenerating damaged tissues and organs in the body by replacing damaged tissue and/or by stimulating the body's own repair mechanisms to heal previously irreparable tissues or organs. Regenerative medicine also empowers scientists to grow tissues and organs in the laboratory and safely implant them when the body cannot heal itself. Importantly, regenerative medicine has the potential to solve the problem of the shortage of organs available for donation compared to the number of patients that require life-saving organ transplantation, as well as solve the problem of organ transplant rejection, since the organ's cells will match that of the patient.[2] [3] [4]

Widely attributed (incorrectly as it turns out) to having first been coined by William Haseltine (founder of Human Genome Sciences).[5] From the work of Michael Lysaght (Brown University), his team "first found the term in a 1992 article on hospital administration by Leland Kaiser. Kaiser’s paper closes with a series of short paragraphs on future technologies that will impact hospitals. One such paragraph had ‘‘Regenerative Medicine’’ as a bold print title and went on to state, ‘‘A new branch of medicine will develop that attempts to change the course of chronic disease and in many instances will regenerate tired and failing organ systems.’’[6][7]

Regenerative Medicine refers to a group of biomedical approaches to clinical therapies that may involve the use of stem cells.[8] Examples include the injection of stem cells or progenitor cells (cell therapies); the induction of regeneration by biologically active molecules administered alone or as a secretion by infused cells (immunomodulation therapy); and transplantation of in vitro grown organs and tissues (Tissue engineering).[9][10]

A form of regenerative medicine that recently made it into clinical practice, is the use of heparan sulfate analogues on (chronic) wound healing. Heparan sulfate analogues replace degraded heparan sulfate at the wound site. They assist the damaged tissue to heal itself by repositioning growth factors and cytokines back into the damaged extracellular matrix. [11] [12] [13]. For example, in abdominal wall reconstruction (like inguinal hernia repair), biologic meshes are being used with some success.



At the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, in North Carolina, Dr. Anthony Atala and his colleagues have successfully extracted muscle and bladder cells from several patients' bodies, cultivated these cells in petri dishes, and then layered the cells in three-dimensional molds that resembled the shapes of the bladders. Within weeks, the cells in the molds began functioning as regular bladders which were then implanted back into the patients' bodies.[14] The team is currently working on re-growing over 22 other different organs including the Liver, Heart, Kidneys and Testicles.[15]

Dr. Stephen Badylak, a Research Professor in the Department of Surgery and director of Tissue Engineering at the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, has developed a process which involves scraping cells from the lining of a pig's bladder, decellularizing (removing cells to leave a clean extracellular structure) the tissue and then drying it to become a sheet or a powder. This cellular matrix powder was used to regrow the finger of Lee Spievak, who had severed half an inch of his finger after getting it caught in a propeller of a model plane.[16][17][18] However, Ben Goldacre has described this as "the missing finger that never was", claiming that fingertips regrow and quoted Simon Kay, professor of hand surgery at the University of Leeds, who from the picture provided by Goldacre described the case as seemingly "an ordinary fingertip injury with quite unremarkable healing" and as "junk science".[19]

In June 2008, at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Professor Paolo Macchiarini and his team, of the University of Barcelona, performed the first tissue engineered trachea (wind pipe) transplantation. Adult stem cells were extracted from the patient's bone marrow, grown into a large population, and matured into cartilage cells, or chondrocytes, using an adaptive method originally devised for treating osteoarthritis. The team then seeded the newly grown chondrocytes, as well as epithileal cells, into a decellularised (free of donor cells) tracheal segment that was donated from a 51 year old transplant donor who had died of cerebral hemorrhage. After four days of seeding, the graft was used to replace the patient's left main bronchus. After one month, a biopsy elicited local bleeding, indicating that the blood vessels had already grown back successfully.[20][21]

Cord blood and Regenerative Medicine

Because a person’s own (autologous) cord blood stem cells can be safely infused back into that individual without being rejected by the body’s immune system — and because they have unique characteristics compared to other sources of stem cells — they are an increasing focus of regenerative medicine research.

The use of cord blood stem cells in treating conditions such as brain injury [22] and Type 1 Diabetes [23] is already being studied in humans, and earlier stage research is being conducted for treatments of stroke,[24][25] and hearing loss.[26]

Current estimates indicate that approximately 1 in 3 Americans could benefit from regenerative medicine,[27] and children whose cord blood stem cells are available for their own potential use could be among the first to benefit from new therapies as they become available. With autologous (the person’s own) cells, there is no risk of the immune system rejecting the cells, so physicians and researchers are only performing these potential cord blood therapies on children who have their own stem cells available.

Researchers are exploring the use of cord blood stem cells in the following regenerative medicine applications:

Type 1 Diabetes

A clinical trial under way at the University of Florida is examining how an infusion of autologous cord blood stem cells into children with Type 1 diabetes will impact metabolic control over time, as compared to standard insulin treatments. Preliminary results demonstrate that an infusion of cord blood stem cell is safe and may provide some slowing of the loss of insulin production in children with type 1 diabetes.[28]


The stem cells found in a newborn’s umbilical cord blood are holding great promise in cardiovascular repair. Researchers are noting several positive observations in pre-clinical animal studies. Thus far, in animal models of myocardial infarction, cord blood stem cells have shown the ability to selectively migrate to injured cardiac tissue, improve vascular function and blood flow at the site of injury, and improve overall heart function.[27]

Central Nervous System

Research has demonstrated convincing evidence in animal models that cord blood stem cells injected intravenously have the ability to migrate to the area of brain injury, alleviating mobility related symptoms.[29][30] Also, administration of human cord blood stem cells into animals with stroke was shown to significantly improve behavior by stimulating the creation of new blood vessels and neurons in the brain.[31]

This research also lends support for the pioneering clinical work at Duke University, focused on evaluating the impact of autologous cord blood infusions in children diagnosed with cerebral palsy and other forms of brain injury. This study is examining if an infusion of the child’s own cord blood stem cells facilitates repair of damaged brain tissue, including many with cerebral palsy. To date, more than 100 children have participated in the experimental treatment – many whose parents are reporting good progress.[32]

Another report published encouraging results in 2 toddlers with cerebral palsy where autologous cord blood infusion was combined with G-CSF.[33]

As these clinical and pre-clinical studies demonstrate, cord blood stem cells will likely be an important resource as medicine advances toward harnessing the body’s own cells for treatment. The field of regenerative medicine can be expected to benefit greatly as additional cord blood stem cell applications are researched and more people have access to their own preserved cord blood. [34]"Steenblock Research Institute, umbilical cord stem cell therapy". 

Heparan Sulfate Analogues

Heparan sulfates glycosylaminoglycans bind to the heparan sulfate binding domain of matrix proteins such as collagens and fibronectin on the extracellular matrix. Heparan sulfate consist of a chain of subunits of 85kD which is negatively charged and can therefore interact with the slightly positively charged basic amino acids of growth factors and cytokines, protecting and holding them in the process. In any wound area heparan sulfates are degraded by glycanases and heparanases. This disrupts the normal tissue homeostasis because the different growth factors and cytokines cannot be held and protected by the heparan sulfate. [11] [12] [13] Heparan sulfate analogue is a synthetic heparan sulfate mimetic. Due to a different coupling of subunits it is resistant to enzymatic degradation: the β2-4 carbon-carbon binding of the subunits of heperan sulfate is prone to enzymatic cleavage whereas the α1-6 carbon-carbon binding of the subunits of heparan sulfate analogues are resistant to cleavage by all known glycanases and heparanases .[11] [12] [13] Heparan sulfate analogues have shown significant improvement on different kind of wounds in pre-clinical research. Animal research has shown that heparan sulfate analogues help the wounds heal but retain the normal tissue structure and prevent scarring. [11] [12] [13] [35] [36]

See also


  1. ^ Regenerative Medicine, 2008, 3(1), 1–5 [47]
  2. ^ "Regenerative Medicine. NIH Fact sheet 092106.doc" (PDF). September 2006. Retrieved 2010-08-16. 
  3. ^ Mason C, Dunnill P (January 2008). "A brief definition of regenerative medicine". Regenerative Medicine 3 (1): 1–5. doi:10.2217/17460751.3.1.1. PMID 18154457. 
  4. ^ "Regenerative medicine glossary". Regenerative Medicine 4 (4 Suppl): S1–88. July 2009. doi:10.2217/rme.09.s1. PMID 19604041. 
  5. ^ Viola, J., Lal, B., and Grad, O. The Emergence of Tissue Engineering as a Research Field. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation, 2003.
  6. ^ Kaiser LR (1992). "The future of multihospital systems". Topics in Health Care Financing 18 (4): 32–45. PMID 1631884. 
  7. ^ Lysaght MJ, Crager J (July 2009). "Origins". Tissue Engineering. Part a 15 (7): 1449–50. doi:10.1089/ten.tea.2007.0412. PMID 19327019. 
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  11. ^ a b c d Tong et al, Stimulated neovascularization, inflammation resolution and collagen maturation in healing rat cutaneous wounds by a heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan mimetic, OTR4120. Wound Repair Regen. 2009 Nov-Dec;17(6):840-52.
  12. ^ a b c d Barritault et al, Regenerating agents (RGTAs): a new therapeutic approach. Ann Pharm Fr. 2006 Mar;64(2):135-44.
  13. ^ a b c d Van Neck et al, Heparan sulfate proteoglycan mimetics thrive tissue regeneration: an overview. In Intech book under the working title "Tissue Regeneration", ISBN 978-953-307-876-2 is scheduled for on line publication on Nov 26, 2011”
  14. ^ "Stephanie Smith, April 5, 2006". Retrieved 2010-03-19. 
  15. ^ "Wake Forest University Institute for Regenerative Medicine". 2009-02-06. Retrieved 2010-03-19. 
  16. ^ Andrews, Wyatt (2008-02-07). "A "Holy Grail" Of Healing". Retrieved 2010-03-19. 
  17. ^ Clout, Laura (2008-04-30). "'Pixie dust' helps man grow new finger". Retrieved 2010-03-19. 
  18. ^ "Stephen Francis Badylak, D.V.M., Ph.D., M.D". Retrieved 2010-03-19. 
  19. ^ Goldacre, Ben (May 3, 2008). "The missing finger that never was". The Guardian. 
  20. ^ "Tissue-Engineered Trachea Transplant Is Adult Stem Cell Breakthrough". 2008-11-19. Retrieved 2010-03-19. 
  21. ^ "Regenerative Medicine Success Story: A Tissue-Engineered Trachea". Retrieved 2010-03-19. 
  22. ^ Cord Blood for Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy, Autologous Cord Blood Cells for Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Study 1. Phase I Study of Feasibility and Safety
  23. ^ Haller MJ, etal.; Viener, HL; Wasserfall, C; Brusko, T; Atkinson, MA; Schatz, DA (2008). "Autologous umbilical cord blood infusion for type 1 diabetes.". Exp. Hematol. 36 (6): 710–715. doi:10.1016/j.exphem.2008.01.009. PMC 2444031. PMID 18358588. 
  24. ^ Vendrame M, et al. (2006). "Cord blood rescues stroke-induced changes in splenocyte phenotype and function.". Exp. Neurol. 199 (1): 191–200. doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2006.03.017. PMID 16713598. 
  25. ^ Vendrame M, et al. (2005). "Anti-inflammatory effects of human cord blood cells in a rat model of stroke.". Stem Cells Dev. 14 (5): 595–604. doi:10.1089/scd.2005.14.595. PMID 16305344. 
  26. ^ Revoltella RP, et al. (2008). "Cochlear repair by transplantation of human cord blood CD133+ cells to nod-scid mice made deaf with kanamycin and noise.". Cell Transplant. 17 (6): 665–678. doi:10.3727/096368908786092685. PMID 18819255. 
  27. ^ a b Harris DT, et al. (2007). "The potential of cord blood stem cells for use in regenerative medicine.". Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. 7 (9): 1311–1322. doi:10.1517/14712598.7.9.1311. PMID 17727322. 
  28. ^ Haller MJ, et al. (2008). "Autologous umbilical cord blood infusion for type 1 diabetes.". Exp. Hematol. 36 (6): 710–715. doi:10.1016/j.exphem.2008.01.009. PMC 2444031. PMID 18358588. 
  29. ^ Lu D, et al. (2002). "Intravenous administration of human umbilical cord blood reduces neurological deficit in the rat after traumatic brain injury.". Cell Transplant. 11 (3): 275–281. PMID 12075993. 
  30. ^ Meier C, etal.; Middelanis, Johannes; Wasielewski, Bianca; Neuhoff, Sandra; Roth-Haerer, Astrid; Gantert, Markus; Dinse, Hubert R.; Dermietzel, Rolf et al. (2006). "Spastic paresis after perinatal brain damage in rats is reduced by human cord blood mononuclear cells.". Pediatr. Res. 59 (2): 244–249. doi:10.1203/01.pdr.0000197309.08852.f5. PMID 116439586. 
  31. ^ Taguchi A, et al. (2004). "Administration of CD34+ cells after stroke enhances neurogenesis via angiogenesis in a mouse model.". J. Clin. Invest. 114 (3): 330–338. doi:10.1172/JCI20622. PMC 484977. PMID 15286799. 
  32. ^ Sun J, et al. (2010). "Differences in quality between privately and publicly banked umbilical cord blood units: a pilot study of autologous cord blood infusion in children with acquired neurologic disorders.". Transfusion. 50 (9): 1980–1987. doi:10.1111/j.1537-2995.2010.02720.x.. 
  33. ^ Papadopoulos KI, et al. (2011). "Safety and feasibility of autologous umbilical cord blood transfusion in 2 toddlers with cerebral palsy and the role of low dose granulocyte-colony stimulating factor injections.". Restor Neurol Neurosci. 29 (1): 17–22. 
  34. ^ Steenblock Research Institute, umbilical cord stem cell therapy.
  35. ^ Tong et al, Heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan mimetic improves pressure ulcer healing in a rat model of cutaneous ischemia-reperfusion injury. Wound Repair Regen. 2011 Jul;19(4):505-14.
  36. ^ Tong et al, RGTA OTR 4120, a heparan sulfate proteoglycan mimetic, increases wound breaking strength and vasodilatory capability in healing rat full-thickness excisional wounds. Wound Repair Regen. 2008 Mar-Apr;16(2):294-9.

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