
Reflectoporn is a form of exhibitionism in which a man or woman strips and then takes a photograph of an object with a reflective surface in such a way that his or her naked body can be seen in the reflection. The photograph is then posted in a public forum.[1] Examples of Reflectoporn can sometimes be seen on eBay, and have included "images of naked men and women reflected in kettles, TVs, toasters and even knives and forks"[2]. The instance generally credited with starting the trend involved a man selling a kettle on an Australian auction site (not eBay as sometimes stated), featuring a photograph where his naked body is clearly visible[3]. Other examples followed[4][5][6], and the specific term "reflectoporn" was eventually coined by Chris Stevens of Internet Magazine[7]. It is now commonly used to describe online exhibitionism that includes the exhibitionist in a reflective surface.


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