Red Crag

Red Crag (Chinese: 红岩) was a 1961 novel by Chinese authors Luo Guangbin and Yang Yiyan, who were former inmates in a Kuomintang prison in Sichuan. It was set in Chongqing during the Chinese Civil War in 1949, and featured underground communist agents under the command of Zhou Enlai fighting an espionage battle against the Kuomintang.

The novel contained a highly negative portrayal for the Sino-American Cooperative Organization, as responsible for the running prisons jailing communists and other political dissidents, although in reality they were actually ran by the KMT secret police service BIS, and had no American involvement.[1][2]


  1. ^ 重庆市档案局副局长 郑永明 (2009 年8月17日). "再现血雨腥风史 培育革命后来人 ——红岩档案资料的研究与开发". 中国档案报 国家档案局. Retrieved 16 March 2010. 
  2. ^ "文艺作品中与历史上的中美合作所真相". 网易历史. 2009-06-08. Retrieved 16 March 2010.