
ReciGen is the trade name of recombinant Interferon beta 1-a, which is manufactured as biosimilar as a liquid biomedicine in Iran.



ReciGen is a type of Interferon beta which is used for multiple sclerosis (MS) therapy. Multiple sclerosis is the most common disease of the central nervous system. ReciGen is a glycoprotein and a Cytokine. Interferon beta-1a is a 22,500 Da glycoprotein, which has antiviral activity and regulates the immune system of the human body. This product is made by recombinant technology and categorised as biomedicime and bosimilar. The amino acid sequence of this protein is the same as natural beta interferon. Both of these two proteins are glycosilated.


Recigen is used for treatment of relapsing-remitting form of multiple sclerosis.

Drug form & dosage

ReciGen is available as ready to inject liquid in 1 ml syringe which is filled with 0.5 ml of liquid medicine. Each dose contains 44 micrograms of active protein which is equal to 12 million international unit of activity. Recigen should be injected subcutaneous.


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