Rayleigh law

The Rayleigh law describes the behaviour of ferromagnetic materials at low fields.

Ferromagnetic materials consist of magnetic domains. When a small external field H is applied, domains parallel to the external field start to grow. In this region, domain walls are moving. They are hindered by material defects. Lord Rayleigh investigated this first [1] and quantified the magnetization M as a linear and quadratic term in the field:

M = \chi_0 H %2B \alpha_R \mu_0 H^2.

Here \chi_0 is the initial susceptibility, describing the reversible part of magnetisation reversal. The Rayleigh constant \alpha_R describes the irreversible Barkhausen jumps.


  1. ^ Rayleigh, Lord (1887). "On the behaviour of iron and steel under the operation of feeble magnetic forces". Phil. Mag.. 1 23: 225–248.