
A Rakshasa (Sanskrit: राक्षसः rākṣasaḥ, Malay/ Indonesian: raksasa, Bangla: rakkhosh, Assamese: raikhox, Tibetan: srinpo, Chinese: 羅剎 luó​chà [Pinyin] or lo-cha [Wade-Giles], Japanese: 羅刹天 rasetsuten) or alternatively rakshas, is a race of mythological humanoid beings or unrighteous spirit in Hindu and Buddhist religion. Rakshasas are also called man-eaters ("Nri-chakshas," "Kravyads"). A female Rakshasa is called a Rakshasi, and a female Rakshasa in human form is a Manushya-Rakshasi. Often Asura and Rakshasa are interchangeably used.

According to the Ramayana, Rakshasas were created from Brahma's foot; other sources claim they are descended from Pulastya, or from Khasa, or from Nirriti and Nirrita. Hinduism maintains that the Rakshasas were particularly wicked humans in previous incarnations. Rakshasas are notorious for disturbing sacrifices, desecrating graves, harassing priests, possessing human beings, and so on. Their fingernails are venomous, and they feed on human flesh and spoiled food. They are shapechangers, illusionists, and magicians.


In Hindu Lore

In the Hindu Stories

Their origin is traced back to the sage Kashyapa. Kashyapa was married to the thirteen daughters of Daksha, among them were Aditi, Diti and Danu.

Rakshas are depicted as mean, fierce looking, ugly, huge like a hill, usually black as soot, with two fangs protruding out of the mouth (like a vampire) with nails like claws, growling like a beast. They are depicted as cannibals with an insatiable hunger, who can smell the scent of animal, men or flesh. Some more ferocious ones are shown with flaming red eyes and flaming hair, drinking blood with their palms or from a human skull. Generally in these stories, they have the power to fly, can vanish and also increase or decrease their size at will. They can also take the form of any animal, human or other thing at their will. These powers are called Maya.

In the Hindu epics

In the world of the Ramayana and Mahabharata, Rakshasas are a populous race of supernatural humanoids. There were both good and evil rakshasas, and as warriors they fought along side the armies of both good and evil. They are powerful warriors, expert magicians and illusionists. As shape-changers, they can assume various physical forms, and it is not always clear whether they have a true or natural form. As illusionists, they are capable of creating appearances which are real to those who believe in them or who fail to dispel them. Some of the rakshasas are said to be man-eaters, and make their gleeful appearance when the slaughter on the battlefield is at its worst. Occasionally they serve as rank-and-file soldiers in the service of one or the other warlord.

Aside from its treatment of unnamed rank-and-file Rakshasas, the epic tells the stories of certain members of the race who rose to prominence, some of them as heroes, most of them as villains.

In the Ramayana

The Battle of Lanka pitted an army of Rakshasas under Ravana against an army of Vanaras or monkeys under Rama and Sugriva.

Other Rakshasa that appear in the Ramayana include Kabandha, Tataka, Surpanakha, Maricha, Subahu, Khara, Indrajit, Prahasta, Akshayakumara and Atikaya.

In the Mahabharata

The Pandava hero Bhima was the nemesis of forest-dwelling Rakshasas who dined on human travellers and terrorized human settlements.

Ghatotkacha, was the son of Bhima and Hidimbi. His name refers to his round bald head with ghata meaning pot and utkacha meaning head in Sanskrit.

Ghatotkacha, when he was young, lived with his mother Hidimbi, when one day he had a fight with Abhimanyu, his cousin, without knowing that Abhimanyu was Arjuna's son.

Ghatotkacha is considered to be a loyal and humble figure. He made himself and his followers available to his father Bhima at any time; all Bhima had to do was to think of him and he would appear. Like his father, Ghatotkacha primarily fought with the mace.

His wife was Ahilawati and his son was Barbarika.

In the Mahābhārata, Ghatotkacha was summoned by Bhima to fight on the Pandava side in the Kurukshetra battle. Invoking his magical powers, he wrought great havoc in the Kaurava army. In particular after the death of Jayadratha, when the battle continued on past sunset, his powers were at their most effective (at night).

At this point in the battle, the Kaurava leader Duryodhana appealed to his best fighter, Karna, to kill Ghatotkacha as the whole Kaurava army was coming close to annihilation due to his ceaseless strikes from the air. Karna possessed a divine weapon, Shakti, granted by the god Indra. It could be used only once, and Karna had been saving it to use on his arch-enemy, the best Pandava fighter, Arjuna.

Unable to refuse Duryodhana, Karna used the Shakti against Ghatotkacha, killing him. This is considered to be the turning point of the war. After his death, the Pandava counselor Krishna smiled, as he considered the war to have been won for the Pandavas now that Karna no longer had a divine weapon to use in fighting Arjuna.

There is a temple built in Manali, Himachal Pradesh for Ghatotkacha near Hidimba Devi Temple.

Rakshasa heroes fought on both sides in the Battle of Kurukshetra.

Rakshasas in Buddhist lore

In Theravada Buddhist literature

In the Maha Samaya Sutta, the defeated antagonist of the Buddha, Mara also known as "Namuci" or the "Dark One" is described as an Asura whose army consisted of "Sensual passions, Discontent, Hunger and Thirst, Craving, Sloth and Drowsiness, Terror, Uncertainty, Hypocrisy and Stubbornness, Gains, Offerings, Fame and Status wrongly gained, and whoever would praise self and disparage others" (Sn 3.2 Padhana Sutta). The Asuras try to capture the devas and bind them.

The Alavaka Sutta (SN 10.12) of the Pali Canon details a story where the Buddha was harassed by a Rakshasa, who asked him to leave and then come back over and over. The Buddha refused to leave, whereby the Rakshasa threatened to harm him if he could not answer his questions. The rest of the sutra concerns the question and answer dialogue, and at the end, the demon is then convinced and becomes a follower of the Buddha.[1] Srilankan (Sinhala) ancentral legends refer to Yakshas as well.[2]

One of Buddha's ten titles is "Sasta deva manusanam", or the teacher of gods and men.

In Mahayana Buddhist literature

Ravana is mentioned in the famous Buddhist sutra, "Lankavatara Sutra" as paying homage to the Buddha.

Chapter 26 of the Lotus Sutra includes a dialogue between the Buddha and a group of Rakshasa daughters, who swear to uphold and protect the Lotus Sutra. They also teach magical dharanis to protect followers who also uphold the sutra.[3] In The Lotus-Born: The Life Story of Padmasambhava, recorded by Yeshe Tsogyal, Padmasambhava receives the nickname of "Rakshasa Demon" during one of his wrathful conquests to subdue Buddhist heretics.

Artistic and folkloric depictions of Rakshasas

Depictions of Rakshasas at Angkor in Cambodia

Rakshasas in language

In Indonesian and Malaysian, "raksasa" simply means "giant", "gigantic"[9] or "huge and strong", or "monster" in common usage. Indonesian and Malaysian are very closely related languages with significant Sanskrit influence. In Bengali, "rakhosh" is used as term for a person who eats incessantly and without burden. This derivation also occurred in Malay and Indonesian as "rakus", which means "greedy".[9]

See also


  1. ^ Alavaka Sutta (SN 10.12)
  2. ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vijaya
  3. ^ Lotus Sutra, chapter 26, Burton Watson translation
  4. ^ Rovedo, p.108.
  5. ^ Rovedo, pp.108-110; Freeman and Jacques, p.62.
  6. ^ Rovedo, pp.34-35.
  7. ^ Freeman and Jacques, p.57.
  8. ^ Rovedo, pp.116-117.
  9. ^ a b Atmosumarto, Sutanto (2004). A learner's comprehensive dictionary of Indonesian. Atma Stanton. pp. 445. ISBN 0954682807, 9780954682804. http://books.google.com/books?id=0PV0NSjCdFAC&pg=PA445. 


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