
Classification Madinan
Meaning of the name The Thunder
Sura number 13
Number of verses 43
Juz' number 13
Hizb number 25 to 26
Number of Sajdahs 1 (verse 15)
Previous Sura Yusuf
Next Sura Ibrahim

Sura Ar-Ra'd (Arabic: سورة الرعد, Sūratu ar-Ra'd, "The Thunder") is the 13th sura of the Qur'an with 43 ayat. It is a Madinan sura.

هُوَ الَّذِي يُرِيكُمُ الْبَرْقَ خَوْفًا وَطَمَعًا وَيُنْشِىءُ السَّحَابَ الثِّقَالَ

13:12 He is the One Who keeps visually showing to you people the lightening, causing a state of fear and generating hope of profitability. [release of atmospheric nitrogen brought down by rain-sustenance 45:05]. And He gradually and successively raises the [middle] drifting/trailing heavy laden clouds. [13:12]

The information is that the effect of lightening, in addition to causing mind to perceive threat, also generates a ray of hope of profitability. The statement was a fact for those who listened or read the Qur'aan hundreds of years back and is a fact when we read it today after having known effect of lightening in the atmosphere which causes descending of "sustenance and food" for the "demised Earth-lost the salient feature of life-production". Grand Qur'aan informs: and that from sustenance/food which Allah has descended from the Sky thereby He rejuvenated the Earth, after its "demise", with this sustenance/food ; [Refer 45:05] [For detailed study please refer 1-Surat Fateh "Word by Word Analysis"]

Miracle of 19 in Quranic Initialed Suras: Sura 13

Of the 29 Quran Suras (of the 114) that have verse 1 as Quranic initials (Muqattat), المر (Alif. Lam. Mim. Ra.) (A. L. M. R) in Sura 13 constitute a major component of the Quran's built-in proof of divine authorship, the miraculous mathematical code. These initials prefixing Sura, No. 13, the total frequency of occurrence of the four letters is 1482, or 19x78. The letter “A” occurs 605 times, “L” occurs 480 times, “M” occurs 260 times, and “R” occurs 137 times.[1][2][3][4][5]

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