
RU28362 is a molecule which binds the glucocorticoid receptor (Corticoid Type II Receptor) but not the mineralocorticoid receptor (Corticoid Type I Receptor).[1][2]

This is in contrast to cortisol, which binds both receptors, though it binds Type II with greater affinity.


  1. ^ Woolley C, Gould E, Sakai R, Spencer R, McEwen B (1991). "Effects of aldosterone or RU28362 treatment on adrenalectomy-induced cell death in the dentate gyrus of the adult rat". Brain Res 554 (1–2): 312–5. doi:10.1016/0006-8993(91)90207-C. PMID 1933312. 
  2. ^ Wong D, Lesage A, Siddall B, Funder J (1992). "Glucocorticoid regulation of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase in vivo". FASEB J 6 (14): 3310–5. PMID 1426768.