
In mathematics, R-algebroids are constructed starting from groupoids. These are more abstract concepts than the Lie algebroids that play a similar role in the theory of Lie groupoids to that of Lie algebras in the theory of Lie groups. (Thus, a Lie algebroid can be thought of as 'a Lie algebra with many objects ').



An R-algebroid, R\mathsf{G}, is constructed as follows. The object set of R\mathsf{G} is the same as that of \mathsf{G} and R\mathsf{G}(b,c) is the free R-module on the set \mathsf{G}(b,c), with composition given by the usual bilinear rule, extending the composition of \mathsf{G} [1].


More generally, an R-category is defined as an extension of this R-algebroid concept by replacing the groupoid \mathsf{G} in this construction with a general category C (that does not have all morphisms invertible).

R-algebroids via convolution products

One can also define the R-algebroid, {\bar R}\mathsf{G}:=R\mathsf{G}(b,c), to be the set of functions \mathsf{G}(b,c){\longrightarrow}R with finite support, and with the convolution product defined as follows: \displaystyle (f*g)(z)= \sum \{(fx)(gy)\mid z=x\circ y \} .[2]

Only this second construction is natural for the topological case, when one needs to replace 'function' by 'continuous function with compact support', and in this case R\cong \mathbb{C}.



  1. ^ G. H. Mosa: Higher dimensional algebroids and Crossed complexes, PhD Thesis, University of Wales, Bangor, (1986). (supervised by Ronald Brown)
  2. ^ R. Brown and G. H. Mosa. Double algebroids and crossed modules of algebroids, University of Wales-Bangor, Maths Preprint, 1986.

This article incorporates material from Algebroid Structures and Algebroid Extended Symmetries, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.


See also