Réseau des Instituts Méditerranéens

Several important regions (PACA, Lazio, Piemonte, Andalusia and Tuscany) share the goal of creating a common vision of the Mediterranean area and have been involved in numerous projects for territorial cooperation.The RIM, or Network of Mediterranean Institutes, was created in 2006 with the purpose of establishing methodological and research foundations for the regional policies in the Mediterranean area. Founders were L’Institut de la Méditerranée from Marseilles, CESPI from Rome, the Paralleli Institute from Turin, the lemed centre from Barcelona, Tres Culturas foundation from Seville and MAEM MEMA from Florence. The Plan of action for the Mediterranean / PARM, published in November 2006, was the first important contribution made towards establishing priorities and perspectives for shared regional governance. In 2008 the Region of Tuscany, along with the RIM’s institutional and research organisations, promoted the Medgovernance Project that, approved within the MED 2007 2013 programme, is a new milestone in the journey for common governance of Mediterranean policies.



L’Institut de la Méditerranée (Marseille)

The general objective of the MED Institute is to provide to the members of its board (/municipality of Marseilles, General Council of the Bouches-du-Rhône department, Regional Council of the PACA region, chamber of commerce, Caisse d’Épargne Bank) with an analyse and expertise tool as well as a support plateform to develop projects in the Greater Euro-Mediterranean region. Through its various activities, the Med Institute has become a major partner of the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. Its activities and projects address two majors needs of its partners : gaining influence within the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation on the one hand and identifying and implementing cooperation projects, on the other hand.

The Med Institute also supports the French government in the process of elaboration of Mediterranean cooperation policies and frameworks. The Med Institute has also supported the PACA regional council in the establishment of the Management Authority of the Med programme (2007–2013). This strategy was successful since the region was appointed for the management and the implementation of the programme for the next 7 years. The Institute also provided support to the creation of the Mediterranean Commission of the United Cities and Local Government (UCGL).

CESPI (Roma)

CeSPI, the Centre for Studies in International Policies, is an independent non-profit organisation established in 1985 which conducts policy-oriented studies and research.

The Centre carries out research, consultancy, training and information dissemination activities with respect to key international relations issues in network with several stakeholders: universities, international organisations, national and sub-national authorities, civil society organisations and private companies. Cohesion and development policies, Territorial and decentralised cooperation, Transnational and translocal partnerships and practices for co-development are one of the main research area. The Mediterranean basin is a geographical priority for the research. CeSPI is member of the network of the Mediterranean Institutes (RIM): it supports regional policies on territorial, cross border cooperation and cohesion policies.

Main axes of research are:

Paralleli Institute (Torino)

The Paralleli Institute is a non-profit institute based in Turin. It was established - on the initiative of former MEP Rinaldo Bontempi - in July 2005 by seven associations and with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo, the Piedmont Region, the Municipality of Turin and Province of Turin and other major regional institutions. Its main objective is to promote dialogue at cultural, social and political level between the societies of the Mediterranean countries, with the aim of encouraging and improving economic relations between them, with a particular focus on the dimension of sustainability and codevelopment.

Paralleli's mandate is to contribute to the creation of a Euro-Mediterranean area of freedom and of economic and social development. The institute acts at the local, national and international level with the aim of meeting the needs of the North-West region of Italy concerning its relations with the other sides of the Mediterranean Sea.

Its main activities are in the following domains:

IEMed (Barcelona)

The European Institute of the Mediterranean (Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània, IEMed), founded in 1989 by a consortium comprising the Catalan Government, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and Barcelona City Council. It incorporates civil society through its Board of Trustees and its Advisory Council formed by Mediterranean universities, companies, organisations and personalities of renowned prestige.

In accordance with the principles of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership's Barcelona Process, and today with the objectives of the Union for the Mediterranean, the aim of the IEMed is to foster initiatives, activities and projects contributing to mutual understanding, Exchange and cooperation between the different Mediterranean countries, societies and cultures, as well as to promote the progressive construction of a region of peace and stability, shared prosperity and dialogue among cultures and civilisations in the Mediterranean Region.

Adopting a clear role as a think tank specialised in Mediterranean relations based on a multidisciplinary and networking approach, the IEMed encourages analysis, understanding and cooperation through the organisation of seminars, research projects, debates, conferences and publications, in addition to a broad cultural programme.

Tres Culturas (Sevilla)

The Three Cultures Foundation is a non-profit organisation which has become an international authority for dialogue and respect as necessary means to achieve peace and understanding among people. This position stems from both the exceptional nature of its Board of Trustees and the cultural activities it organises.

The Three Cultures Foundation was born as the result of a joint initiative from the Andalusian regional government and the kingdom of Morocco which in 1998 agreed on the need to create a forum to bring together the people of the Mediterranean. This proposal was favourably received by the international community, with the support of the Peres Centre for Peace, the Palestinian National Authority and multiple Israeli and Euro-Mediterranean individuals and institutions committed to dialogue and peace.

The Foundation was officially established in Seville, Andalusia, on March 8, 1999. The exceptional character of the Foundation, derived from the multicultural origin and balanced representation of its constituent members and links with and openness towards the Mediterranean rim countries, has turned it into a renowned space for individuals and institutions working in favour of dialogue, respect and understanding among Mediterranean peoples and cultures.

The Three Cultures Foundation has its headquarters at the Hassan II pavilion, a magnificent building that once housed the pavilion of Morocco during the Expo ’92 at the Isla de la Cartuja in Seville. For over the past ten years, this venue has become a space to work from Andalusia with the aim of building a more comprehensive, united and tolerant Euro- Mediterranean region. The Three Cultures Foundation aspires to contribute to this vision through a broad range of public events aimed at fostering inter-faith, social, economic, cultural and political dialogue.

MAEM / MEMA (Firenze)

The MAEM/MEMA aims at enhancing the integration of the Euro-Mediterranean Area by offering unique learning programmes addressing post-graduate students, professionals and practitioners working in the field of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.

The MAEM/MEMA Network was established in the Fall of 2004 as a tangible result of the / INTERREG III B MEDOCC Project entitled “Master in Euro-Mediterranean Affairs - Master en Affaires Euro-Méditerranéennes” (2002–2004). At present, it is made up of sixteen Universities and other academic institutions from the entire Mediterranean Area. In May 2006, the MAEM/MEMA Association was established as the operational arm of the MAEM/MEMA Network. Its offices are located in Florence, Italy.

The MAEM/MEMA first-level Master programme for post-graduate students is unique. It has a highly quality innovative curriculum and involves lecturers from the MAEM/MEMA Network member institutions and other Euro-Mediterranean institutions, research centres and business. The programme is itinerary and teaching typically takes place in three different countries, in two different countries of Mediterranean Europe and one the Southern or Eastern Mediterranean. Internships take place in any Mediterranean country. The Master lasts 14 months (usually from August till the end of October) and tackles the key aspects of the social, economic, political and cultural relations in the Euro-Mediterranean Area.

In addition to the Master programme, Network offers other learning programmes for professionals, practitioners, policy makers and other expert audiences of public, profit and non profit organisations, including summer schools, workshops, seminars, and master classes, ranging in duration from one day to two weeks. All these programmes are tailor-made in order to match learners’ needs and demands.

In addition, the MAEM/MEMA is engaged in the development of transnational research projects, organisation of conferences and seminars as well as supporting other forms of cooperation to further Euro-Mediterranean integration, including projects such as Medgovernnance.

Thanks to its broad network, its thorough experience in providing learning programmes, its specific expertise in the organisation of dissemination events for different target audiences, the MAEM/MEMA stands as an innovating Euro-Mediterranean player in the field of further education and human capital development.

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