Quarry Bay School

Quarry Bay School is the oldest English Schools Foundation primary school in Hong Kong. There are around 720 students. The principal is currently Debra Gardener. The previous principal was David James Harrison who, before he retired, had been at Quarry Bay School for 23 years.

The juvenile hall was opened in 1926 to educate the children of expatriate dockyard workers. It remained in Quarry Bay until the 1970s, briefly interrupted by World War II when it was forced to operate in the Stanley Internment Camp. In the 1970s it relocated to temporary premises in Victoria Barracks, and then in 1984 to its current location on Braemar Hill.

The majority of the students from Quarry Bay go on to South Island School; the next most popular destination is Island School and last of all it is West Island School.

A time capsule filled with children's work, messages and other items was buried in its gardens during the academic year of 1996-97 and still remains under the ground near the terrapin pond to be exhumed in 2027 to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the Handover of Hong Kong.[1]


  1. ^ Quarry Bay School Year Book. Hong Kong. 1997-8. 

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