
Company / developer Dirk Eddelbuettel
OS family Unix-like
Working state Current
Source model Open source
Latest stable release 7.9.2 / March 1, 2006
Official website Quantian Home Page

Quantian OS is a remastering of Knoppix/Debian for computational sciences. The environment is self-configuring and directly bootable CD/DVD that turns any PC or laptop (provided it can boot from cdrom/DVD) into a Linux workstation. Quantian also incorporates clusterKnoppix and adds support for openMosix, including remote booting of light clients in an openMosix terminal server context permitting rapid setup of a SMP cluster computer.


Numerous software packages for usual or scientific aims come with Quantian. After the installation, total package volume is about 2.7 GB (For the detailed package list see: List of all the available packages).

The packages for "home users" include:

Additionally, some of the scientific applications/programs in Quantian are such like:
