Qoole, short for Quake Object Oriented Level Editor, is a level editor for video games based on the Quake engine, and was developed by Lithium Software.[1][2] Among the supported games are the original Quake I and Quake II, Hexen II and Half-Life. It was originally sold on a CD-ROM[2], but the source code was eventually released under the GPL v2.
Qoole uses a brush-based method to construct new maps, in which monsters, items and lights can be placed,[3][4] or any of the onboard prefabs.[5][6] It can import individual textures from WAD files, and can convert maps from one game to another. It has 2D and 3D views in which the map can be edited,[7][6] and it supports Glide API and OpenGL for rendering the views.[8][9]
In the past, Qoole had an IRC channel where Qoole-specific classes and tutorials were tought.[10]
A port of Qoole to wxWidgets is actively being worked on: wxqoole