The Pyrrhichios dance (Pyrrhic dance) (Ancient Greek: πυρρίχιος or πυρρίχη, but often misspelled as πυρρίχειος or πυρήχειος) is described by Xenophon in his work the Anabasis. In that work he describes that at a festival was held in Trapezus to celebrate the arrival of his troops in the city. The following is a paraphrase of his account.
During that festival two Thracian women, dressed as men, fought with knives in circular dance to the sound of a lyra. He further describes the two dancers struggling with one another for victory and the opponent's death. At one point one of the dancers stabbed the other to the shock and amazement of the crowd. The blood that flowed and the subsequent collapse of the defeated dancer further shocked the observers who cried out in horror. The victor proceeded to dance around the defeated opponent. Suddenly, in a theatrical realization of his deed, he proceeded to kneel by the victim in anguish and stab himself. This further shocked the crowd some of whom rushed to abait this deed. When doing so, they realized that the entire proceeding was fake, as the blood was thickened dye. The two dancers then arose to the amusement of all present.
This dance is loosely maintained by all Greeks in one form or another throughout Greece. However, the Pontian people have maintained it to this day, as accurately as it was described by Xenophon. This dance should not be confused with Serra, as the two are distinct dances.
Also Homer refers to Pyrrihios and describes how Achilles danced it around the burning funeral of Patroclos. The dance was loved in all of Greece and especially the Spartans considered it a kind of light war training and so they taught the dance to their kids while still young.