
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Timaliidae
Genus: Pseudominla
Oates, 1894

Pseudominla castaneceps
Pseudominla cinerea
Pseudominla klossi
Pseudominla variegaticeps
(but see text)

Pseudominla is a bird genus in the Old World babbler family (Timaliidae). It was formerly contained in Alcippe. But like its close relative Schoeniparus which also was recently separated from Alcippe, among the Timaliidae it is not very closely related to the alcippes. Meanwhile, the "true" fulvettas (now genus Fulvetta) have turned out to be actually Old World warblers.

Therefore the common name "fulvettas" is misleading for Pseudominla, but no consensus has been reached on what to use instead. For the sake of simplicity, "pseudominlas" might be used, referencing the fact that these birds somewhat resemble the true minlas (genera Chrysominla, Minla and Siva) but are not particularly closely related to this group of Old World babblers.

Pseudominla contains the following species:
