
Pseudomanifold is a special type of topological space. It looks like a manifold at most of the points, but may contain singularities. For example, the cone of solutions of z^2=x^2%2By^2 forms a pseudomanifold.

A pseudomanifold can be considered as a combinatorial realisation of the general idea of a manifold with singularities. The concepts of orientability, orientation and degree of a mapping make sense for pseudomanifolds and moreover, within the combinatorial approach, pseudomanifolds form the natural domain of definition for these concepts.[1][2]



A topological space X endowed with a triangulation K is an n-dimensional pseudomanifold if the following conditions hold:[3]

  1. X = |K| is the union of all n-simplices.
  2. Every (n – 1)-simplex is a face of exactly two n-simplices for n > 1.
  3. For every pair of n-simplices σ and σ' in K, there is a sequence of n-simplices σ = σ0, σ1, …, σk = σ' such that the intersection σi ∩ σi+1 is an (n − 1)-simplex for all i.

Implications of the definition



  1. ^ Steifert, H.; Threlfall, W. (1980), Textbook of Topology, Academic Press Inc., ISBN 0126348502 
  2. ^ Spanier, H. (1966), Algebraic Topology, McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN 0070598835 
  3. ^ a b Brasselet, J. P. (1996). "Intersection of Algebraic Cycles". Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Springer New York) 82 (5): 3625 − 3632. 
  4. ^ a b c d e D. V. Anosov. "Pseudo-manifold". Retrieved August 6, 2010.