
Pseudo-Democritus was a 2nd century AD Greek philosopher, and the second most respected writer on alchemy (after Hermes Trismegistus). Two of his works survive, Physical and Mystical Matters, and Book addressed to Leukippos. He wrote many other books that are quoted extensively by Zosimos of Panopolis. He is mentioned in the Stockholm papyrus.

Physical and Mystical Matters describes "An art, purporting to relate to the transmutation of metals, and described in a terminology at once Physical and Mystical", branding him as an alchemist for all time and provides straightforward recipes for making imitation gold and silver (alloys).[1]


  1. ^ Taylor, F Sherwood (2004). Allen G. Debus. ed. Alchemy and Early Modern Chemistry: Papers from Ambix. Jeremy Mills Publishing. pp. 30–42. ISBN 0954648412.