Propositional proof system

In propositional calculus and proof complexity a propositional proof system (pps), also called a Cook–Reckhow propositional proof system, is system for proving classical propositional tautologies.


Mathematical definition

Formally a pps is a polynomial-time function P whose range is the set of all propositional tautologies (denoted TAUT).[1] If A is a formula, then any x such that P(x) = A is called a P-proof of A. The condition defining pps can be broken up as follows:

In general, a proof system for a language L is a polynomial-time function whose range is L. Thus, a propositional proof system is a proof system for TAUT.

Sometimes the following alternative definition is considered: a pps is given as a proof-verification algorithm P(A,x) with two inputs. If P accepts the pair (A,x) we say that x is a P-proof of A. P is required to run in polynomial time, and moreover, it must hold that A has a P-proof if and only if it is a tautology.

If P1 is a pps according to the first definition, then P2 defined by P2(A,x) if and only if P1(x) = A is a pps according to the second definition. Conversely, if P2 is a pps according to the second definition, then P1 defined by

P_1(\langle x,A\rangle)=\begin{cases}A&\text{if }P_2(A,x)\\\top&\text{otherwise}\end{cases}

(P1 takes pairs as input) is a pps according to the first definition, where \top is a fixed tautology.


Historically, Frege's propositional calculus was the first propositional proof system. The general definition of a propositional proof system is due to Stephen Cook and Robert A. Reckhow (1979).[1]

Relation with computational complexity theory

Propositional proof system can be compared using the notion of p-simulation. A propositional proof system P p-simulates Q (written as P ≤pQ) when there is a polynomial-time function F such that P(F(x)) = Q(x) for every x.[1] That is, given a Q-proof x, we can find in polynomial time a P-proof of the same tautology. If P ≤pQ and Q ≤pP, the proof systems P and Q are p-equivalent. There is also a weaker notion of simulation: a pps P simulates a pps Q if there is a polynomial p such that for every Q-proof x of a tautology A, there is a P-proof y of A such that the length of y, |y| is at most p(|x|). (Some authors use the words p-simulation and simulation interchangeably for either of these two concepts, usually the latter.)

A propositional proof system is called p-optimal if it p-simulates all other propositional proof systems, and it is optimal if it simulates all other pps. A propositional proof system P is polynomially bounded (also called super) if every tautology has a short (i.e., polynomial-size) P-proof.

If P is polynomially bounded and Q simulates P, then Q is also polynomially bounded.

The set of propositional tautologies is a coNP-complete. A propositional proof system is a certificate-verifier for membership in TAUT. Existence of a polynomially bounded propositional proof system means that there is a verifier with polynomial-size certificates, i.e., TAUT is in NP. In fact these two statements are equivalent, i.e., there is a polynomially bounded propositional proof system if and only if the complexity classes NP and coNP are equal.[1]

Examples of propositional proof systems

Some examples of propositional proof systems studied are:


  1. ^ a b c d Cook, Stephen; Reckhow, Robert A. (1979). "The Relative Efficiency of Propositional Proof Systems". Journal of Symbolic Logic 44 (1): pp. 36–50. 

Further reading

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