
Process or processing (verb) typically describes the action of taking something through an established and usually routine set of procedures or steps to convert it from one form to another, such as processing paperwork to grant a mortgage loan, processing milk into cheese, or converting computer data from one form to another. A process involves steps and decisions in the way work is accomplished, and may involve a sequence of events.

The process that one follows is as important as the results that are produced by the process. Without understanding the underlying process, it is difficult to know how a certain set of results were achieved, or why they were good or bad. So, if results are viewed as the "destination", then process can be viewed as the "vehicle" that gets you there (and ideally, you should be able to use the same "vehicle" for many trips...with a few modifications based on the desired destination!)

Process or processing may refer to:


Science and technology


Medicine, biology, and psychology


