
The preternatural or praeternatural is that which appears outside or beyond (Latin præter) the natural. In contrast to the supernatural, preternatural phenomena are presumed to have rational explanations that are, as of yet, unknown.

The term is often used to distinguish from the divine (supernatural) while maintaining a distinction from known and understood nature in any given culture and time period. For instance, in the Abrahamic religions, the angels, both holy and fallen, are endowed with preternatural powers. Their intellect, speed, and other characteristics are explained to be beyond the capabilities of humans, but still limited or finite.

Non-human examples of preternatural powers are also recognized in mythology and folklore. An example of a preternatural creature would be if the Yeti or Bigfoot legends had a basis in fact.

A three venue art exhibition entitled Preternatural took place in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada curated by Dr. Celina Jeffery.

See also

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