Precious Pupp

Precious Pupp is an animated cartoon produced by Hanna-Barbera and first broadcast as part of The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show on October 2, 1965.



The cartoon featured Precious Pupp, a large, mangy dog, and his owner, Granny Sweet. Granny was a kindly woman with a passion for motorcycles, completely oblivious to the fact that her beloved, affectionate pet was something of a neighbourhood terror. He had a habit of slipping behind a victim quietly---sometimes in defense of their home, sometimes just for the fun of it---and jolting him with a ferocious series of barks . . . but never where or when Granny could catch him in the act. Unlike many cartoon animals, Precious didn't speak. His usual vocalism was an asthmatic-sounding, "wheezing" laugh used even more famously by Muttley, a Hanna-Barbera character introduced three years later; he usually outsmarted his enemies, most notably Bruiser, the neighborhood bulldog, but he usually outsmarted his oblivious owner, too.

Twenty-six episodes were produced.


Season 1 (1965-1966)

Title First aired: Synopsis:
1 "Precious Jewels" 1965·Oct·02
2 "Doggone Dognapper" 1965·Oct·09
3 "Bites and Gripes" 1965·Oct·16
4 "Queen of the Road" 1965·Oct·23
5 "Crook Out Cook Out" 1965·Oct·30
6 "Next of Kin" 1965·Nov·06
7 "Bowling Pinned" 1965·Nov·13
8 "Poodle Pandemonium" 1965·Nov·20
9 "Dog Tracks" 1965·Nov·27
10 "Sub-Marooned" 1965·Dec·04
11 "Lady Bugged" 1965·Dec·11
12 "Test in the West" 1965·Dec·18
13 "Bones and Groans" 1965·Dec·25
14 "Butterfly Nut" 1966·Jan·01
15 "Precious Bone" 1966·Jan·08
16 "The Bird Watcher" 1966·Jan·15
17 "Dog Trained" 1966·Jan·22
18 "Oliver Twisted" 1966·Jan·29
19 "Pup, Skip and Jump" 1966·Feb·05
20 "A Grapple for the Teacher" 1966·Feb·12

Season 2 (1966)

Title First aired: Synopsis
21 "Pot Time Work" 1966·Sep·10
22 "A Fiend in Need" 1966·Sep·17
23 "Ski Sickness" 1966·Sep·24
24 "Mascot Massacre" 1966·Oct·01
25 "A.M. Mayhem" 1966·Oct·08
26 "Girl Whirl" 1966·Oct·15


Precious Pupp in other languages

Later Appearances

External links