
Prakāśa is a concept of Kashmir Shaivism translated by various authors as "light", "splendour", "light of consciousness" (identified with Śiva)[1] (Swami Lakshman Joo), "luminous and undifferentiated consciousness"[2] (Paul E. Murphy) or "primordial light beyond all manifestations"[3] (Paul Muller-Ortega). Fellow Tantric practitioners Tibetan Buddhists practice Clear Light yoga based on a similar concept.

Prakāśa is considered supreme, ultimate, unsurpassable, but as such it cannot be described as pure transcendence, because even though it is above all, it is still present in the manifestation, in every aspect of it. Thus prakāśa is said to be both transcendent and immanent.[3]


The prakāśa-vimarśa couple

Uncreated light (prakāśa) is the essence of Śiva. Its function is to illuminate, to make manifest. However, Kashmir Shaivism declares that the nature of prakāśa is "self apprehension", or, to reflect upon itself. "If the supreme light were devoid of this free and spontaneous self-referential capacity, it would be powerless and inert".[4]Prakāśa and vimarśa form a couple at the supreme level, identified respectively with Śiva and Śakti.

Related terms and synonimes

Kashmir Shaivism accords a very important role to the concept of consciousness as light, so, repeatedly trying to describe this essentially undescribable experience, has given it a plurality of names:

Subjective experiences of prakāśa

There is no way a personal experience of prakāśa could be fully conveyed into words, but mystics, both ancient and modern, have tried to do so, because such words carry a powerful spiritual charge. Some of the subjective attributes of the light of consciousness, in synthesis, are: "liquid", "blissful", "immaculate", "blinding", "enveloping" and "weightless". Here are but a few of the many accounts:

Gopi Krishna

Gopi Krishna, in his first experience of the awakening of kundalini has experienced luminous manifestations he described as:

Jaideva Singh

In his translation of Pratyabhijñahṛdayam uses such formulations :


A mystical experience of Ramakrishna, representing a turning point for him :


A few accounts of encounters with the uncreated light, by Yogananda :

Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa

Stavacintāmaṇi by Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa is an intensely devotional text of Kashmir Shaivism. Here are some quotes referring to the light of consciousness :


A few selective quotes from Tantraloka of Abhinavagupta:


  1. ^ Vijñana Bhairava, The Practice of Centering Awareness, Swami Lakshman Joo, glossary
  2. ^ Triadic Mysticism, Paul E. Murphy, glossary
  3. ^ a b The Triadic Heart of Shiva, Paul Muller-Ortega, page 95
  4. ^ Parā-prāvesikā, Kṣemaraja, sūtra 1
  5. ^ The Doctrine of Recognition: A Translation of Pratyabhijñahṛdayam, Kṣemarāja, Jaideva Singh, page 39
  6. ^ The Doctrine of Recognition: A Translation of Pratyabhijñahṛdayam, Kṣemarāja, Jaideva Singh, page 82
  7. ^ The Doctrine of Recognition: A Translation of Pratyabhijñahṛdayam, Kṣemarāja, Jaideva Singh, page 29
  8. ^ Kālī's Child: The Mystical and the Erotic in the Life and Teachings of Ramakrishna, Jeffrey John Kripal
  9. ^ Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda, ISBN 8190256203, page 9
  10. ^ Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda, ISBN 8190256203, page 142
  11. ^ Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda, ISBN 8190256203, page 274
  12. ^ Stavacintāmaṇi, Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa, sūtra 1
  13. ^ Stavacintāmaṇi, Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa, sūtra 3
  14. ^ Stavacintāmaṇi, Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa, sūtra 85
  15. ^ Tantrāloka, Abhinavagupta, sūtra 1.212
  16. ^ Tantrāloka, Abhinavagupta, sūtra 5.86-90a
  17. ^ Tantrāloka, Abhinavagupta, sūtra 6.78b-83a