Positive Slovenia
Zoran Janković's List – Positive Slovenia (Slovene: Lista Zorana Jankovića – Pozitivna Slovenija, LZJ-PS) is a center-left[1] political party in Slovenia, led by Zoran Janković.
On 11 October 2011, Janković, the then mayor of Ljubljana, announced that he would participate at the early parliamentary election, following the fall of the government of Prime Minister Borut Pahor.[2] The charter of the new party was enacted on 22 October 2011, where Janković was unanimously elected president.[3] Among the party's supporters were National Assembly members Matjaž Zanoškar, Cveta Zalokar Oražem and Renata Brunskole.[3] Milan Kučan, the first President of Slovenia, also expressed his support, citing Janković's work as the chairman of the retailing chain, Mercator, and as the mayor of Ljubljana.[4]
Among the goals of the party that Janković emphasised were a secure, social and efficient state with a 4% GDP growth rate and less than 3% budget deficit. Janković stated that his goal was to place Slovenia among the most successful countries in the world.[5]
Positive Slovenia won 28.51% of the vote, thus gaining 28 parliamentary seats at the early Slovenian 2011 parliamentary election, the most of all participating political parties.[6]
Responses to the new party
Janković's decision to create a new political party came together with the announcements of other new parties, such as Gregor Virant's Civic List and Party for Sustainable Development. The new party gained significant public support even before it was officially chartered, placing first in an opinion poll by the newspaper Delo.[7] Other opinion polls placed the party among the top three.[8][9][10]
The leaders of the centre-left parties whom Janković supported in the 2008 election,[11] had reservations about Janković entering state politics.[12] On the other hand, Janez Janša, the opposition leader, said that Janković does not bring an alternative to the politics of Slovenia.[13]
Conservative mayors in eastern Slovenia have threatened to split off the regions of Lower Styria and Prekmurje from the central state, fearing that a future government under Janković would pursue a rigorously Ljubljana-centred policy and ignore the interests of the peripheric regions.[14][15]
- ^ a b "Tuji mediji: Zmaga nekdanjega šefa supermerkatorja [Foreign media: The Win of a Former Supermarket Boss]" (in Slovene). Finance.si. 5 December 2011. http://www.finance.si/332606/Tuji-mediji-Zmaga-nekdanjega-%C5%A1efa-supermarketa.
- ^ "Janković gre na volitve s svojo stranko" (in Slovene). 22 October 2011. http://www.siol.net/novice/slovenija/2011/10/jankovic_bo_danes_sporocil_odlocitev_o_svojem_sodelovanju_na_volitvah.aspx. Retrieved 22 October 2011.
- ^ a b "Janković: DDV bi dvignil za eno odstotno točko" (in Slovene). 22 October 2011. http://www.rtvslo.si/slovenija/cilj-jankovica-da-bo-slovenija-cez-pet-let-najboljsa-drzava-na-svetu/268984. Retrieved 22 October 2011.
- ^ "Pahor: V politiki sem od takrat, ko so "vse podgane bežale"" (in Slovene). 22 October 2011. http://www.rtvslo.si/slovenija/kucan-podpora-jankovicu-ker-potrebujemo-pragmaticno-vlado/268988. Retrieved 22 October 2011.
- ^ "Ustanovljena Lista Zorana Jankovića - Pozitivna Slovenija" (in Slovene). 22 October 2011. http://www.mladina.si/dnevnik/22-10-2011-ustanovljena_lista_zorana_jankovia_-_pozitivna_slovenija/. Retrieved 22 October 2011.
- ^ "Republic of Slovenia Early Elections for Deputies to the National Assembly 2011". National Electoral Commission. 16 December 2011. http://volitve.gov.si/dz2011/en/index.html.
- ^ "Anketa Dela: zmagoslavni vstop Jankovića in Viranta" (in Slovene). 22 October 2011. http://delo.si/novice/politika/anketa-dela-zmagoslavni-vstop-jankovica-in-viranta.html. Retrieved 22 October 2011.
- ^ "Anketa IFIMES-a: Virant najprimernejši mandatar, SDS-u največ glasov" (in Slovene). 22 October 2011. http://www.rtvslo.si/slovenija/anketa-ifimes-a-virant-najprimernejsi-mandatar-sds-u-najvec-glasov/268332. Retrieved 22 October 2011.
- ^ "Janševi stranki za ovratnik diha Virantova, tretja je Jankovićeva" (in Slovene). 2011-10-22. http://www.finance.si/327816/Jan%C5%A1evi-stranki-za-ovratnik-diha-Virantova-tretja-je-Jankovi%C4%87eva. Retrieved 22 October 2011.
- ^ "Nove stranke pometajo s starimi" (in Slovene). 22 October 2011. http://www.dnevnik.si/novice/slovenija/1042482320. Retrieved 22 October 2011.
- ^ "Zoran Janković: Zmagati ne moreta ne Janša ne Pahor" (in Slovene). 22 October 2011. http://www.dnevnik.si/objektiv/intervjuji/1042466718. Retrieved 22 October 2011.
- ^ "»Torej, kocka je padla, ljubljanski Jay-Z gre na volitve uničit levico«" (in Slovene). 22 October 2011. http://www.delo.si/novice/politika/torej-kocka-je-padla-ljubljanski-jay-z-gre-na-volitve-unicit-levico_2.html. Retrieved 22 October 2011.
- ^ "Janša: Janković naj direktno vstopi v igro in preveri svojo priljubljenost" (in Slovene). 22 October 2011. http://www.slovenskenovice.si/novice/slovenija/jansa-jankovic-naj-direktno-vstopi-v-igro-in-preveri-svojo-priljubljenost.html. Retrieved 22 October 2011.
- ^ "Ostslowenen wollen sich vom Staat abspalten" (in German), Krone, 14 October 2011, http://www.krone.at/Nachrichten/Ostslowenen_wollen_sich_vom_Staat_abspalten-Genug_ist_genug-Story-299473, retrieved 6 November 2011
- ^ Thierjung, Irene (27 October 2011), "Slowenen haben Lust auf Veränderung" (in German), Kurier, http://kurier.at/nachrichten/4310019.php, retrieved 6 November 2011
External links
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