
In mathematics, polymatroid is a polytope associated with a submodular function. The notion was introduced by Jack Edmonds in 1970.[1]



Consider any submodular set function f on S. Then define two associated polyhedra.

  1. P_f:=\{x\in \mathbb{R}^S|x\geq 0,x(U)\leq f(U)\} for each U\subseteq S
  2. EP_f:=\{x\in \mathbb{R}^S|x(U)\leq f(U)\} for each U\subseteq S

Here P_f is called the polymatroid and EP_f is called the extended polymatroid associated with f[2].


  1. P_f is nonempty if and only if f\geq 0 and that EP_f is nonempty if and only if f(\phi)\geq 0
  2. Given any extended polymatroid EP there is a unique submodular function f such that f(\phi)=0 and EP_f=EP
  3. If r is integral, 1-Lipschitz, and r(\varnothing)=0 then r is the rank-function of a matroid, and the polymatroid is the independent set polytope, so-called since Edmonds showed it is the convex hull of the characteristic vectors of all independent sets of the matroid.
  4. For a supermodular f one analogously may define the contrapolymatroid
w \in\mathbb{R}_%2B^E: \forall S \subseteq E, \sum_{e\in S}w(e)\ge r(S)
This analogously generalizes the dominant of the spanning set polytope of matroids.


  1. ^ a b Edmonds, Jack. Submodular functions, matroids, and certain polyhedra. 1970. Combinatorial Structures and their Applications (Proc. Calgary Internat. Conf., Calgary, Alta., 1969) pp. 69–87 Gordon and Breach, New York. MR0270945
  2. ^ (Schrijver 2003, §44, p. 767)


General References