A polyclinic, or policlinic, is a place where a wide range of health care services (including diagnostics) can be obtained without the need for an overnight stay. Polyclinics are sometimes co-located with a hospital.
A typical polyclinic houses general medical practitioners such as doctors and nurses to provide ambulatory care and some acute care services but lacks the major surgical and pre- and post-operative care facilities commonly associated with hospitals.
Polyclinics have existed in Australia, France, Germany (since 2004), Switzerland and the former Soviet republics such as Russia and Ukraine;[1] and in many countries across Asia and Africa.[2] Recent Russian governments have attempted to replace the polyclinic model introduced during Soviet times with a more western model. However, this has failed.[3] India has also set up huge numbers of polyclinics for former defence personnel. The network envisages 426 polyclinics in 343 districts of the country which will benefit about 33 lakh (3.3 million) ex-servicemen residing in remote and far-flung areas.[4]