Politics of Gibraltar


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Gibraltar is represented in the European Union, having been the only British overseas territory which joined the EC under the British Treaty of Accession (1973).

The government of Spain continues with an irredentist territorial claim to Gibraltar, which was ceded in perpetuity to the British Crown in 1713 by the article X of the Treaty of Utrecht. In a referendum held in 2002, a proposal for shared sovereignty was overwhelmingly rejected by the Gibraltar electorate with 98.97% voting against.[1] The sovereignty issue remains an important factor in local politics.

Gibraltar has a number of political parties which have developed to address local issues. Gibraltar's political activity takes place in a framework of a parliamentary representative democratic, whereby the Chief Minister is the head of government, and of a multi-party system. Gibraltar is a British overseas territory of the United Kingdom, with full internal self-government under its 2006 Constitution. The preamble to that Constitution repeated from the 1969 Constitution states that "Her Majesty's Government will never enter into arrangements under which the people of Gibraltar would pass under the sovereignty of another state against their freely and democratically expressed wishes."[2]


Executive branch

As an overseas territory of Britain, the head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who is represented by the Governor of Gibraltar. Britain retains responsibility for defence, foreign relations, internal security and financial stability.

Main office holders
Office Name Party Since
Queen Elizabeth II 6 February 1952
Governor Sir Adrian Johns KCB CBE ADC 26 October 2009
Chief Minister Fabian Picardo GSLP/Liberals Alliance 09 December 2011


The Government of Gibraltar is elected for a term of four years. The head of Government is the Chief Minister, currently the Hon. Fabian Picardo, of the Gibraltar Socialist Labour Party (GSLP), who have been in office since 09 December 2011 in alliance with the Gibraltar Liberal Party (Liberals) following a general election. The Leader of the Opposition is former Chief Minister the Hon. Peter Caruana of the Gibraltar Social Democrats (GSD).

The composition of the Government of Gibraltar is the following:[3]

Picture Name Party Mininsterial Role Responsibilities
The Hon.
Fabian Picardo
GSLP Chief Minister
  • The Economy & Finance
  • IT, e-Government & e-Commerce
  • Personal status including immigration, residence & adoption
  • EU and International Treaties (including transposition of Directives)
  • Elections
  • Industrial relations
  • Broadcasting & Media
  • Civil Services & public sector as a whole
  • Customs
  • The administration of Government Departments charged with the aforesaid
  • Overall responsibility for and supervision of Government departments and public administration
The Hon.
Dr. Joseph Garcia
Liberals Deputy Chief Minister
  • Assisting the Chief Minister in his excercise of overall responsibility for and supervision of Government Departments and public administration and Ministerial Coordination
  • Planning & Lands
  • Political, Democratic & Civic Reform
  • Civil Aviation
  • Information
  • The administration of Government Departments charged with the aforesaid
The Hon.
John Cortes
GSLP Minister for Health and Environment
  • Health
  • Environment & Green Areas
  • The Upper Rock
  • Public Health
  • Environmental Health
  • Urban Renwal Schemes
  • The administration of Government Departments charged with the aforesaid
The Hon.
Charles Bruzon
GSLP Minister for Housing and the Elderly
  • Housing
  • Hostels
  • Housing & Works Agency
  • Senior Citizens
  • The administration of Government Departments charged with the aforesaid
The Hon.
Samantha Sacramento
GSLP Minister for Equality and Social Services
  • Social Services & the Care Agency
  • Families & Children
  • Equality
  • Consumer Affairs
  • Minorities Issues
  • Women's Issues
  • Civic Rights (including citizens advice, ombudsman, consumer protection, data protection, Drugs and substance abuse rehabilitation)
  • The administration of Government Departments charged with the aforesaid
The Hon.
Gilbert Licudi
GSLP Minister for Education, Financial Services, Gaming, Telecommunications and Justice
  • Financial Services
  • Gaming
  • Telecommunications
  • Justice including the Legal System, Probation Service, Tribunals, Community Service Scheme, access to Justice/Legal Aid Assistance, Law Reform, Publication of Laws, Police Issues/Crime/Law & Order, the Prison, International Legal Assistance & Law Drafting
  • Education
  • The administration of Government Departments charged with the aforesaid
The Hon.
Joe Bossano
GSLP Minister for Enterprise, Training and Employment
  • Employment & Labour
  • Social Security, Pensions & Social Assistance
  • Enterprise & Training
  • Inward Investment
  • The administration of Government Departments charged with the aforesaid
The Hon.
Neil Costa
Liberals Minister for Tourism, Public Transport and the Port
  • Tourism (including tourist entry points to Gibraltar) & Commercial Affairs
  • Shipping, Ship repair & the Port
  • Public Service Vehicles
  • Public Transport
  • The administration of Government Departments charged with the aforesaid
The Hon.
Paul Balban
GSLP Minister for Traffic, Health & Safety and Technical Services
  • Traffic
  • Parking
  • Roads
  • Licensing & Vehicles
  • Health & Safety
  • Technical Services
  • The administration of Government Departments charged with the aforesaid
The Hon.
Steven Linares
Liberals Minister for Sports, Culture, Heritage and Youth
  • Sports & Leisure
  • Culture
  • Heritage
  • Youth
  • Postal Services, Utilities including Refuse Collection and Disposal
  • Civil Contingencies
  • Fire Brigade
  • The administration of Government Departments charged with the aforesaid


The Gibraltar Parliament (previously the House of Assembly) consists of seventeen elected members, and the Speaker. Under the electoral system of partial bloc voting used since 1969, voters must choose ten candidates, who need necessarily not be from the same party but usually are. The winning candidates are then chosen by simple plurality; consequently, a party seeking to form a government stands ten candidates, and the party that forms the government is usually successful in having all ten of its candidates elected; the remaining seats are usually won by the 'best loser' which then forms the opposition. The last election was held on October 11, 2007.


Queen Elizabeth II is represented by the Governor and Commander-in-Chief, presently Vice Admiral Sir Adrian Johns KCB CBE ADC (sworn in 26 October 2009). After an election, the Governor appoints the leader of the largest party in the unicameral parliament, as Chief Minister. The Governor is not involved in the day-to-day administration of Gibraltar, and his role is largely as a ceremonial head of state. The Governor is responsible for matters of defence and security only.

Political parties and general elections

There are three political parties currently represented in the Gibraltar Parliament: Gibraltar Social Democrats; Gibraltar Socialist Labour Party; and Gibraltar Liberal Party. The other active party is the Progressive Democratic Party.

All parties support Gibraltar's right to self-determination, and reject any concessions on the issue of sovereignty.

2003 elections

e • d Summary of the 28 November 2003 Gibraltar House of Assembly election results
Parties Votes % Seats
Gibraltar Social Democrats 51.5 8
Gibraltar Socialist Labour Party 39.7 5
Gibraltar Liberal Party 2
Others 8.3 -
Ex-officio members (retired under new constitution) 2
Total (turnout  %)   17
Source: Parties and elections

Since the 2003 election the Reform Party has dissolved, with the party leader and others now involved in Friends of the Earth (Gibraltar). The Labour Party has merged with the Gibraltar Social Democrats.

A new party, New Gibraltar Democracy, announced it would contest the next election. NGD claimed that the two main parties were "Out of touch with people's expectations and make up for their lack of ideas through Orwellian style propaganda." At the 2007 election one candidate, Charles Gomez, stood for election for the party. It achieved under 1% of the vote and has subsequently ceased any activity.

In June 2006 the Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) was formed and announced it would be presenting a full slate of candidates and had entered the political arena as "a fresh, positive and modern alternative," to both the ruling Gibraltar Social Democrats and the Opposition GSLP/Liberals. However. in the 2007 election it only presented six candidates.

2007 elections

e • d Summary of the 11 October 2007 Gibraltar Parliament election results
Parties1 Votes2 % Seats
Gibraltar Social Democrats 76,334 49.33 10
Coalition Gibraltar Socialist Labour Party 49,277 31.84 4
Gibraltar Liberal Party 21,120 13.65 3
Progressive Democratic Party 5,799 3.75
Charles Gomez (independent, New Gibraltar Democracy) 1,210 0.78
Richard Martinez (independent) 1,003 0.65
Total (turnout 81.4%) 154,743 100.00 17
Source: Gibfocus

1 These figures have been consolidated by party. Under the Gibraltar electoral system, all candidates are listed on the ballot paper individually. 2 Every voter has up to 10 votes to vote for their choice from all the candidates standing. Accordingly although there are more seats available, the main parties field 10 candidates and hope to secure 'block votes'. Thus the total of 154,743 votes comes from 16,004 voters, an 81.4% turnout of the electorate.

European Parliament elections

Although part of the EU under the British Treaty of accession, Gibraltar had not voted in elections for the European Parliament although its membership of the European Union meant it was affected by European Union law. A ten year campaign to acquire the vote culminated in the case of Matthews v. United Kingdom. Denise Matthews, a British Citizen resident in Gibraltar, claimed that the exclusion of the Gibraltar electorate from enfranchisement in the European Parliamentary elections was a breach of human rights. The European Court of Human Rights decided in her favour, ruling that the European Parliament formed a part of Gibraltar's legislature and held that the UK was bound by its conventions to secure the right for the people of Gibraltar to elect the European Parliament.[4] The UK Government passed the European Parliament (Representation) Act in 2003 in order to comply with the ruling. Gibraltar is included in the South West England Region for the purposes of European Parliament elections, and first voted in the 2004 election.[5]

The 2004 European Election was the first UK election in which Gibraltar participated. The Conservative Party took 69.52% of the vote, which has generally been interpreted as a protest against the handling of Gibraltar by the Labour Party.[6] The Conservatives also campaigned strongly, with the support of the Gibraltar branch of the party and a visit from the party leader Michael Howard.

In 2009, the Conservatives again topped the poll with 54% but in contrast to 2004 the turnout at 35% was much lower, being comparable to other EU states.[7]

Constitutional reform

Select Committee proposals

In 1999, the Government of Gibraltar established a Select Committee on Constitutional Reform, to consider how the 1969 Constitution should be reformed.

In March 2006, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw announced in the British House of Commons that the details of a new constitution had been agreed. There are some differences between the draft constitution and the one to which the UK agreed, namely that the Governor's title will remain unchanged, and that the Police Authority will remain independent of the Government of Gibraltar.

2006 Constitution

In December 2006 Gibraltar was granted a new constitution, providing a modern constitutional relationship between Gibraltar and the United Kingdom, not based on colonialism. The constitution does not in any way diminish British sovereignty of Gibraltar, and the United Kingdom retains its full internal responsibility for Gibraltar, including Gibraltar’s external relations and defence, and the Member State responsible for Gibraltar in the European Union.

Writing to the Spanish Foreign Minister, Jack Straw stated:

"My own view [is] that the label "colonial" is misleading and anachronistic in this context; regardless of the United Nations dimension. As Peter Caruana and I said in our joint statement on Monday, the new Constitution provides for "a modern and mature" relationship between the UK and Gibraltar. I do not think that this description would apply to any relationship based on colonialism."[8]

After several months of political wrangling, the Gibraltar Government published the draft Constitution Order, which includes the existing preamble promising that there would be no transfer of sovereignty against the wishes of the Gibraltarians and a new addition explaining the status.[9]

"Whereas Gibraltar is part of Her Majesty’s dominions and Her Majesty’s Government have given assurances to the people of Gibraltar that Gibraltar will remain part of Her Majesty’s dominions unless and until an Act of Parliament otherwise provides, and furthermore that Her Majesty’s Government will never enter into arrangements under which the people of Gibraltar would pass under the sovereignty of another state against their freely and democratically expressed wishes:
"And whereas the people of Gibraltar have in a referendum held on [date] freely approved and accepted the Constitution annexed to this Order which gives the people of Gibraltar that degree of self-government which is compatible with British Sovereignty of Gibraltar and with the fact that the UK remains fully responsible for Gibraltar’s external relations.

Based on this wording and the Statement of the Minister for Europe in the House of Commons, the Gibraltar Opposition now support the new Constitution..

The proposal was put to the people in a referendum and approved. The constitution took effect in 2007 and 29 January declared a public holiday in celebration.

Integration with the UK

A group in Gibraltar has campaigned in favour of a far closer relationship with Britain, in the form of devolved integration or incorporation into the Britain itself. This is similar to the offer made to Malta in 1955. The Rock would be represented in the British House of Commons, while retaining internal self-government. This would be a similar status to France's overseas departments and to Spain's North African enclaves, Ceuta and Melilla, claimed by Morocco. One of Spain's arguments in rejecting comparisons between Gibraltar and these territories is that they are part of Spain, whereas Gibraltar is a British overseas territory and not part of Britain.[10]

However, the British Foreign Office rejected the idea in 1976, along with independence, on the grounds that any further constitutional reform or decolonisation would have to take into account the so-called "Spanish dimension". Many in Gibraltar, including the present Government, have also argued against integration on the grounds that it would mean the surrendering of many existing powers of self-government.

While there is still considerable emotional attachment to the idea of Gibraltar being British, the chief minister has claimed that its citizens want to participate in the new Europe of the future.[11]


The idea of a condominium, with sovereignty shared between the UK and Spain, has been proposed. The suggestion was made during talks between Fernando Morán and Geoffrey Howe about Gibraltar in the 1980s.[12] This was proposed by the Spanish but ignored by the British government.[13]

The suggestion was for a status similar to that of Andorra, in which Queen Elizabeth II and King Juan Carlos would be joint heads of state, in the same way that President of France and the Spanish Bishop of Urgell are Co-Princes of Andorra.

This would give Spain a symbolic constitutional role in Gibraltar, but would not go far enough for Spain towards effective Spanish control of the Rock.

United Nations

Gibraltar was caught unawares when the whole issue of the relationship between The Rock and rest of Britain, as well as the question of Spain was brought before the United Nations Committee on Decolonization, otherwise known as the Committee of 24, in 1963.[14]

Resolution 2231, which recalls UN Resolution 1514 (XV) (which guarantees the right of self determination of all peoples), states that Considering that any colonial situation which partially or completely destroys the national unity and territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, which forms part of the Spanish claim. It also urges United Kingdom and Spain to overcome their differences, respecting the "interests" of the people of Gibraltar and declares the 1967 referendum being a "contravention of the provisions of Resolution 2231.

Resolution 2353 (XXII) was supported by seventy-three countries (mainly Latin American, Arab, African and Eastern European countries), rejected by nineteen (United Kingdom and the countries of the Commonwealth of Nations), while twenty-seven countries abstained (Western Europe and the United States).

Since then and up to the present time, representatives of Gibraltar have regularly petitioned the UNC24 and the UNC4, although no progress has been achieved. The Committees regularly roll out their 'consensus resolution'[15] which:

Unwilling to tear the delicate skin of Spain’s historic position over Gibraltar, Britain is nonetheless gently pointing an already more pragmatic Spanish Government down the path of consensual politics over Gibraltar.[16]

The commitment of the British Government is not to hold the talks envisaged by the above resolution without the consent of the Gibraltarians.

The [British] Government will never - "never" is a seldom-used word in politics - enter into an agreement on sovereignty without the agreement of the Government of Gibraltar and their people. In fact, we will never even enter into a process without that agreement. The word "never" sends a substantial and clear commitment and has been used for a purpose. We have delivered that message with confidence to the peoples and the Governments of Gibraltar and Spain. It is a sign of the maturity of our relationship now that that is accepted as [Britain]'s position.[17]

The effective stalemate has led Peter Caruana to conclude that attending future meetings of the Committee of 24 is a pointless exercise.[18]

Relations with Spain

In a referendum on September 10, 1967, the people of Gibraltar voted by 12,138 to 44 to reject the transfer of sovereignty to Spain and to remain under British sovereignty. This day is now celebrated as Gibraltar's National Day. In a referendum organised by the Government of Gibraltar on November 7, 2002, voters overwhelmingly rejected the principle that Spain and the United Kingdom should share sovereignty over Gibraltar, by 17,900 votes to 187 on a turnout of almost 88%.[19]

Unlike most other British territories, Gibraltar has not been offered independence by the UK. It has been suggested that this is on the grounds that the Treaty of Utrecht, under which Spain ceded the territory to the British Crown, states that, if the British Crown should ever wish to dispose of Gibraltar, it must first be offered to Spain. However, the Government of Gibraltar has pointed out at the UN that Article 103 of the UN Charter overrules and annuls this "reversionary clause".

Neither the United Kingdom nor Spain seem keen to test the legal status of Article X of the Treaty of Utrecht in court. The remaining parts of the treaty that regulated such things as the slave trade, and the transfer of Minorca to the British, have become obsolete.

Spain argues that Gibraltar's status is an anachronism, and that it should become an autonomous community of Spain, similar to Catalonia or the Basque Country. It also argues that the principle of territorial integrity, not self-determination applies, drawing parallels with the British handover of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China in 1997. The Junta de Andalucia (Andalucia's elected regional government) believes that Gibraltar should be integrated into its regional autonomy.

At the same time, the British government continues to state that there can be no change in the status of Gibraltar without their democratic consent .[20]

The Gibraltarian government has asked the UN Committee of 24 to refer the issues to the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion, but Spain has lobbied against this. The government of Gibraltar has also invited the Committee to visit the territory, but so far, despite no objection from the United Kingdom, they have not done so.

The 2006 constitution further increases the level of self-government in the territory, and the colonial status of Gibraltar is now considered to be over. In a letter to the United Nations describing this, the British Foreign Secretary stated that "I do not think that this description would apply to any relationship based on colonialism."[8]

Pressure groups

In addition to the parties there are a number of pressure groups active in Gibraltar, not aligned to any political party.

Gibraltar Women's Association

The Gibraltar Women's Association was founded on the 15 February 1966, by Mrs Mariola Summerfield and Mrs Angela Smith.

It was originally known as the Gibraltar Housewives Association, and subsequently, in the early eighties it was changed to the Gibraltar Women's Association keeping in with more modern times that not all women were solely housewives.

Equality Rights Group GGR

Launched in September 2000 by Felix Alvarez, initially named GGR (Gib Gay Rights) now has a wider human rights platform in Gibraltar and is known as Equality Rights Group GGR [1].

Although it still defends sexual minorities it is also been active on issues regarding the disabled, and issues regarding the protection of children against sex abuse.[21]

Environmental Safety Group

"The ESG is a registered Gibraltar charity which works to safeguard the Environment of Gibraltar and the Bay area, including air, land and marine aspects. The group campaigns to protect local ecology from pollution and contamination and to promote public safety in all matters relating to the welfare of our community." [2]

Gibraltar Local Disability Movement

The Gibraltar Local Disability Movement (GLDM) was established in 1985 to improve the lives of disabled people in Gibraltar, promote equal opportunities and tackle discrimination. The movement ceased to be active for several years during the 1990s and early 2000s, but was reactivated in 2005 to address the situation for disabled people in Gibraltar, which did not see great improvement for several years. Although the 2006 Equal Opportunities Act protects disabled people in Gibraltar from discrimination, Gibraltar remains behind the UK and other countries on issues such as disability allowances and wheelchair access to both private and government buildings. www.disability.gi

Voice of Gibraltar Group

The Voice of Gibraltar Group was founded in 1996.[22] In 1997 it organised a march attended by 10,000 people campaigning for Spanish recognition of Gibraltarians' rights within the EU for the support of the new British Labour Government in this matter.[23] In 2001 it drew criticism from the Government of Gibraltar for pressuring the Select Committee of the House of Assembly to accelerate completion of its work[24] and for introducing what the Government claimed were partisan politics into the matter of Gibraltar remaining British.[25] The same year, in concert with the Self-Determination for Gibraltar Group, the VOGG organised a demonstration attended by an estimated 10,000 people.[26] Joining a Government-sponsored initiative led by local musicians under the auspices of Rock on the Rock Club, a non-political organisation, the VOGG mounted protest in Neath, the constituency of Peter Hain the UK Minister for Europe.[27] It campaigned, with others, for a "no" vote in the 2002 referendum[28] It has been described as "Gibraltar's most-hardline protest group".[27]

Integration With Britain Movement

The Integration With Britain Movement (IWBM) is a pressure group advocating further integration with the United Kingdom. They aim for Gibraltar to attain a state of devolved integration similar to that pertaining in Scotland and Wales. They are led by Joe Caruana and are successors to the defunct Integration With Britain Party (IWBP).


  1. ^ "Q&A: Gibraltar's referendum". BBC News. 2002-11-08. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/2400673.stm. Retrieved 2010-05-22. 
  2. ^ http://www.gbc.gi/upload/pdf/Gib%201969%20Constitution.pdf
  3. ^ Oliva, Francis (13 December 2011). "Picardo announces new Govt ministerial portfolios". Gibraltar Chronicle. http://www.chronicle.gi/headlines_details.php?id=23465. Retrieved 13 December 2011. 
  4. ^ "Explanatory Notes to European Parliament (Representation) Act 2003". The Office of Public Sector Information. 2003-05-13. Archived from the original on 2010-02-13. http://www.webcitation.org/5nV449KnM. Retrieved 2010-02-13. 
  5. ^ "European Parliament (Representation) Act 2003". The Office of Public Sector Information. Archived from the original on 2010-02-12. http://www.webcitation.org/5nV2OTgvJ. Retrieved 2010-02-13. 
  6. ^ Conservative landslide
  7. ^ EU election 2009
  8. ^ a b http://www.gibraltar.gi/locals/news.php?action=view_article&article=850
  9. ^ http://www.gibraltarlaws.gov.gi/constitution.php
  10. ^ Anomalous Spanish enclaves
  11. ^ Speech by The Chief Minister
  12. ^ Gold, Peter (2005). Gibraltar: British or Spanish?. Routledge. p. 66. ISBN 0415347955, 9780415347952. http://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=ko&lr=lang_en. Retrieved 2010-07-07. 
  13. ^ Gold, Peter (2005). Gibraltar: British or Spanish?. Routledge. pp. 397. ISBN 0415347955, 9780415347952. http://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=ko&lr=lang_en. Retrieved 2010-07-07. 
  14. ^ Garcia, Dr. Joseph H. (1994). Rock of the Gibraltarians. Medsun Publishing. pp. 127. 
  15. ^ C4 resolution on Gibraltar
  16. ^ Gibraltar Government view 2008
  17. ^ Answer to Q257 at the FAC hearing
  18. ^ Speech by the Chief Minister, 2008
  19. ^ http://www.electionguide.org/results.php?ID=483
  20. ^ Statement in the UK Parliament
  21. ^ GGR widens scope
  22. ^ http://gbn.gi/books/hftnmgibraltar2000.pdf
  23. ^ Gibraltar: British or Spanish? Peter Gold, p.183
  24. ^ http://www.gibraltar.gov.gi/latest_news/press_releases/2001/50-2001.HTM
  25. ^ http://www.gibraltar.gov.gi/latest_news/press_releases/2002/20-2002.htm
  26. ^ Gibraltar: British or Spanish? Peter Gold, p.258
  27. ^ a b VOGG Neath campaigning
  28. ^ ILF Campaign with VOGG

External links

See also